Kimmasi - The Remembered One in JUNO - Open-Source World Building | World Anvil

Kimmasi - The Remembered One

Report on possible God of Memory generated by NB-0218. We have allowed the creature, which has identified themselves as Kimmasi, entry to our observational station in the Asteroid belt of the JUNO solar system. It has been difficult to keep Kimmasi in the areas we had designated and cleared for their presence. They have escaped their minders on several occasions and been found inspecting various, and sometimes sensitive, locations on the station. On at least one occasion the entity was seen wandering on the hull of the station in complete vacuum. There does not seem to be any malice in these diversions. The entity seems to be as curious about us as we are about it.   Kimmasi appears very similar to the Ngisikaa species of JUNO, however, it is much smaller than the average specimen that we have so far observed. Like all Ngisikaa, Kimmasi has an array of crab-like appendages for movement and tentacles for interaction. Unlike those creatures, Kimmasi has at least three times as many appendages, at least fifty-four according to scans, though the number seems to fluctuate perhaps according to Kimmasi's direction or some other characteristic as yet undetermined. Each appendage is tipped with a knife-like edge and dagger point, formed from the memory crystal common to sentient Ngisikaa colonies.   Conversing with Kimmasi is...disconcerting. Often it seems as if we are remembering a conversation that has already taken place rather than having an active conversation in the present. Though many have reported and recorded audible conversation with Kimmasi, the entity does not seem to possess an orifice for aural communication.   I have encouraged BL-2004 to allow the conversation of the interview to flow somewhat naturally, if possible, to avoid the connotation of an interrogation.   Interview conducted by BL-2004:   BL-2004: Thank you for agreeing to this interview. Perhaps we should begin with how you define yourself. Do you consider yourself a god?   Kimmasi: We do not have this word.   BL-2004: A divine being. An entity that has been created outside the normal evolution of their environmental habitation. Commonly with powers and abilities far outside the norm of other species within the same environment.   --Kimmasi does not respond.--   BL-2004: Do you have a reason for coming to this facility?   Kimmasi: To learn. To experience. To greet new friends. To teach as well.   BL-2004: What do you have to teach us?   Kimmasi: History. To start. Then more. JUNO should be recorded. Cataloged. Memorized.   BL-2004: Were you always as you are? In your current form?   Kimmasi: I exist. And have always done so.   BL-2004: pre-date life on JUNO?   --Kimmasi does not respond.--   BL-2004: Do you know why JUNO is the same in all languages?   Kimmasi: Because it is the same, regardless of observation. —flagged for follow up investigation—   BL-2004: Where would you like to begin? What part of history would you like to discuss first?   --Note from NB-0218: At this point in the interview Kimmasi pierced one of BL-2004's external communication ports with a bladed tentacle. Before it could be removed a massive data transfer occurred both in BL-2004's internal memory and ship memory stores. We are still working to decipher and catalog most of this data. BL-2004's status is currently in a continual diagnostic mode. Kimmasi has been returned to the planet JUNO.


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