Etsuman Ethnicity in Jotil | World Anvil
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Etsuman are an ethnic group that hail from the Isle of Etsuman . They are a seafaring and spiritual populace who enjoy exploration and adventure. They tend to worship Esriel and Daruma.   The Etsuman lived secluded on the Isle of Etsuman for some time, and as such they developed a number of traditions and customs that seem peculiar to other ethnicities and cultures.   One of the most notable of these customs is the Etsuman naming tradition; Etsuman take their family name, an list it first, and then in adulthood they select a "personal name" which is typically relevant to their personality or profession, and is listed second. For instance, a hunter of to the Totan family may choose to call themselves Totan Skilled Bowman, a kind and helpful Etsuman born to the Mondo family may choose to call themselves Mondo Gentle Advisor.

Naming Traditions

Unisex names

Morning Thunder, Wing of Angel, Dangling Thread, Wonder of World, Night Dreams, Endless Time, Prime Gold, Silky String

Family names

Kite, Tabi, Shika, Riko, Mura, Murimoto, Ikoshiyo


Major language groups and dialects

Shared customary codes and values

The Clan System
  • The Etsuman clan system is a little different to that of the Kayemba. In Etsuman culture “clan” refers to one’s family, the blood relatives. However, many families will live under the jurisdiction of another, larger “clan”, in some cases, families may change their “clan name” to that of the one that rules over them, or perhaps powerful clans will join and create a new clan. A Clanmaster is the leader of the local clans, not just a single clan. Most Clanmasters serve under the Emperor of Etsuman , whereas others will occasionally attempt to break free, holding provinces as their own, and potentially capturing more.
  Honour, Honesty and Loyalty
  • The Etsuman believe loyalty to one’s clan is vital. The clan gives an Etsuman history and reason. Fealty to the clanmaster is not merely expected, but enforced.
  Nature and Spirituality
  • The Etsuman believe the world around them is sacred, and constantly influenced by the spirits of the dead, similar to the Kayemba. Whilst the Kayemba connect in a more practical way, the Etsuman focus more on the worship of nature, with customs such as festivals and offerings to appease nature itself, as if it were a being.
  • The Etsuman understand that with great power, comes great responsibility. They despise tyrants, and if an Emperor or Clanmaster proves too tyrannical, their subjects will rise against them the second they have the power to do so.
  Adventure and Courage
  • The entire world is there for the taking, and Etsuman believe it is a waste to not experience it. As such, the Etsuman are competent seafarers, and many attempt to explore at least the other provinces of Etsuman, with lucky few going on to experience new continents.
  Advancing Art
  • The Etsuman see art as something constantly evolving, and believe it is the best way to record history, often opting for grand operas or paintings to depict their great feats, rather then dusty tomes.

Art & Architecture

Most Etsuman buildings are constructed of dark wood, and are complete with sloping roofs. The buildings in their cities are often many stories high, yet quite neat and uniform.

Major organizations

Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Languages spoken
Related Locations

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