List of Weapons in Jordaheim | World Anvil

List of Weapons

Size maters

A weapon’s size determines how well a creature is able to handle it. A weapons maximum posible damage decides the size of the weapon, witch is dispalyed within parenthasies in the table below. The size catagory of the creature then determines how its able to handle the weapon, the larger the creature is the larger the weapons it can use.

Handeling in melee DS* Tiny Small Medium + Large + Huge + Gargantuan +
Light, One-Handed,
+10 feet to normal Throwing range
6 STR 1 1d2 (2) 1d4 (4) 1d6 (6) 1d8 (8) 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24)
Light, One-Handed,
+5 feet to normal Throwing range
10 STR 1d2 (2) 1d4 (4) 1d6 (6) 1d8 (8) 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30)
One-Handed 14 STR 1d4 (4) 1d6 (6) 1d8 (8) 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30) 3d12 (36)
Two-Handed 18 STR 1d6 (6) 1d8 (8) 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30) 3d12 (36) 4d10 (40)
Disadvantage on weapns with reach
22 STR 1d8 (8) 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30) 3d12 (36) 4d10 (40) 4d12 (48)
Disadvantage on all attacks
26 STR 1d10 (10) 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30) 3d12 (36) 4d10 (40) 4d12 (48) 5d10 (50)
Cant Wield
Automaticly miss with attacks
30 STR 1d12 (12) 2d8 (16) 2d10 (20) 2d12 (24) 3d10 (30) 3d12 (36) 4d10 (40) 4d12 (48) 5d10 (50) 5d12 (60)
*Draw Strength. Aplies to range weapons with a tensioned string only

If a creatures Strength score is 20 or more, or has the Powerfull Build feature, then the creature can wield a weapon of one size larger. A small creature can use weapons the same way a medum creature can, a medum size creature can wield larger weapons to but not to the same extent as a large creature. The "+" represent the inbetwen stagees betwen size catatgories past medium size. To wield a weapon of two size catagories requers the feat Mighty Grip.



When a weapon is cosider light for a creature, it's small and easy to handle with greates ease. When you are wieldeing a weapon that counts as Light for you, you can use a bonus action to make a offhand attack with that weapon. A offhand attack is here you don't add you ability modifier to the damage roll, unless that modifier is negative. Wielding two weapons of this type is ideal for use when fighting with two weapons, allowing you to make a offhand attack without expending a bonus action.


A creature is either large or strong enough to wield the weapon in one hand. When a weapon is wielded with one hand apply the wielder’s Strength bonus to damage rolls for melee attacks. Some weapons can only be wielded with one hand due to how it is constructed, and unles the creature is strong or large enough, they will roll with disadvatage on attacks with the weapon.


When using both hands a creature is able to wield most weapons, if its construction allows it. When a melee weapon is wielded with two hands apply 1½ times the wielder’s Strength bonus to damage rolls for attacks.


Any weapon or item can be thrown by you at a target or direction of your choise. The weapon or item thrown counts as a ranged attack except the weapon is the projectile. Equiping a weapon in hand requiers a free action, and if you want to throw a second weapon on the same turn you either need to have used the free action on your previous turn or have the Thrown Weapon Fighting feat. You use the same ability modifier for range throw attacks as the melee attack roll and damage roll. The normal range of throwing an item is equal to your strength score, while the maximum range is your normal range times 3. If you need to use both hands to wield the weapon, then the normal range is 5.

Throwing range: (Strenght Score / Strenght Score x3)

Inappropriately Sized Weapons

At certain thresholds, a creatures size and strength wont be enough to wield a weapon with both hands effectivly. At first, a creature can still wield a weapon as long as it dose not have the Reach propertie. But with a greater size it will attack with disadvantage. One size larger and the creature wont be able to wield the weapon at all, that is its maximum possible.  

Types of weapons

There are 4 weapon types, each deteremning how it can be wielded as well as what properties it can have.


The weapon is primarely made of one type of material with a softed gripp at one end to allow it to be used effectivly. It can be gripped on other parts but using it in that maner is not ideal. These types of weapons are usualy sword and small clubs that presents great versitility in wielding. There are two variations, Hilted and Long-hilted. A long hilted can be wielded with either one or two hands depending on size, but a Hilted handle can only be wielded with one hand.

Design effect. Hitled weapons have the benefit to be versitile weapons, its damage type may affect it.
  • All slashing weapons of this type has a threat range of 19-20. These are usualy cuting swords.
  • All piercing weapons of this type has the finesse propertie. These are usualy thrustig swords.
  • All bludgeoning of this type weapons if this type are considerd simple. These are usualy clubs.


The weapon is designed to be worn on your hands. At the cost of your ability to manipulate your didigets, things like cestusesm, bras-nuckes, or hand-wraps. This type of weapon can only be on handed.

Design effect. This type of weapon allows the wielder to use the damage die of the weapon in stead of their unarmed attack, the damage type of the weapon replases the damagage type of its wielders unarmed attacks.
  • Wearable The weapon is wearable like armour, you can wield other weapons in the same hand the fist weapon is on, but it takes one minuit to put it on and take it of. Along with the martial proficesny, need to have proficensy in medium armour if its a 1d4, and heavy armour for 1d6 and 1d8.
  • Equipable If the fist weapon is held like a weapon, it only takes a free action to equip or drop it, but you can't wield other weapons while the fist weapon is equiped.


The weapon consist primarely of a long shaft, such as a spear, axe or halberd. All weapons of this type can be wielded either one handed or two handed, allthough wielding it with two hands are perferable.

Design effect. Due to the greater heft of the weapon, all weapons of this type has a x3 crit modifier. However, hafted weapons handels a bit diferently depending on what propertie the weapon has:
  • Reach. Hafted weapons are able to have an extended reach up to a range of 20 feet. However, while granting greater range it makes the weapon les effective up close. The damage of attacks with the weapon made against a target that is within 5 feet (10 feet if reach+ or reach++) is halved and deals blugeoning damage.


A weapon that can be used to make a ranged attack has it range shown in parentheses after the range or thrown property. The range display two numbers. The first is the weapon's normal range in feet, and the second indicates the weapon's maximum range. When attacking a target beyond normal range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can't attack a target beyond the weapon's max range. Unles specified otherwise, all weapons are operated with two hands, either to hold it or needing the other hand to reload the range weapon.

Draw Strenght. If the range weapon consists of a tentiond string, then the wielder requiers a certain strenght score to effectivly use it. If your strength score is les than the Draw Strenght for the damage type, then the normal range for the bow becomes its new max range and the normal range is half its new max range.

Design Effect. Due to the construction of the weapon, any ranged attack made when there is a hostile creature within 5 feet of you is with disadvantage.
  • Range weapons of draw strength of 14 or higher becomes to unwieldy to use while mounted, unles the range weapon has the Loading propertie.
  • Range weapons that the Loading propertie can be wieled with one hand if the draw strength is 14 or les.

Tables of Existing Weapons

Tables of preexisting weapons in the world, detaling its general price and properties. Some of the weapons however have variants, each with its own properties or desings.  

Simple Weapons

Name Cost Damage Crit Weight Type Properties
Club 1 Sp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 2 Lbs Hilted -
Dagger 2 Gp 1D4 Piercing/Slashing 19-20/x2 1 Lbs Hilted Finesse
Hand Wraps 5 Cp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 0 Lbs Fist
Great-Club 2 Sp 2D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 6 Lbs Long-Hilted -
Hand-Axe 5 Gp 1D6 Slashing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted -
Knuckle Dusters 2 Gp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 1 Lbs Fist -
Leiomano 4 Gp 1D6 Bludgeoning/Slashing 19-20/x2 2 Lbs Hilted -
Mace 5 Gp 1D6 Bludgeoning 20/x3 4 Lbs Hafted -
Nunchucks 1 Gp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 1 Lbs Long-Hilted Finesse, Flexible
Punch-Dagger 10 Gp 1D4 Piercing 19-20/x3 1 Lbs Fist
Quarterstaff 2 Sp 1D6 Bludgeoning 20/x2 4 Lbs Hafted -
Sai 10 Gp 1D4 Piercing 20/x2 2 Lbs Hilted Hooked, Finesse
Sickle 1 Gp 1D4 Slashing 20/x2 2 Lbs Hilted Hooked
Small Hammer 2 Gp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted -
Spear 1 Gp 1D6 Piercing 20/x3 3 Lbs Hafted
Tonfa 1 Gp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 2 Lbs Hilted Finesse

Simple Ranged Weapons

Name Cost Damage Crit Weight Type Properties
Arbalest 50 Gp 1D12 Piercing 19-20/x2 18 Lbs Range (100/400) (Bolts), Loading
Blowgun 5 Sp 1d4 Piercing 20/x2 1 Lbs Range (25/100) (Darts), Loading, Special
Bolas 4 Gp 1D4 Bludgeoning 20/x2 18 Lbs Range (20/60) Flexible, Special
Crossbow 25 Gp 1D10 Piercing 19-20/x2 5 Lbs Range (80/320) (Bolts), Loading
Hand Crossbow 75 Gp 1D8 Piercing 19-20/x2 3 Lbs Range (30/120) (Bolts), Loading
Dart Launcher 85 Gp 1D6 Piercing 19-20/x2 1 Lbs Range (20/80) (Darts), Loading, Concealable

Martial Weapons

Name Cost Damage Crit Weight Type Properties
Arming sword 10 Gp 1D6 Slashing 19-20/x2 4 Lbs Hilted -
Battleaxe 10 Gp 1D8 Slashing 20/x3 4 Lbs Hafted -
Cestus 10 Gp 1D6 Bludgeoning 20/x2 2 Lbs Fist Protective Guard
Flail 10 Gp 1D8 Bludgeoning 20/x2 2 Lbs Hafted Flexible
Glaive 20 Gp 1D10 Slashing 20/x3 6 Lbs Hafted Reach
Greataxe 30 Gp 1D12 Slashing 20/x3 7 Lbs Hafted -
Great-Hammer 40 Gp 2d8 Bludgeoning 20/x3 12 Lbs Hafted
Great-sword 50 Gp 2D6 Slashing 19-20/x2 6 Lbs Long-Hilted -
Halberd 20 Gp 1D10 Slashing/Piercing 20/x3 6 Lbs Hafted Reach
Hatchet 2 Sp 1D4 Slashing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted Throwing Weapon(+10/x4)
Lance 10 Gp 1D10 Piercing 20/x3 6 Lbs Hafted Reach, Protective Guard
Long-Lance 20 Gp 1D10 Piercing 20/x3 7 Lbs Hafted Reach x2, Protective Guard
Long-sword 15 Gp 1D8 Slashing 19-20/x2 4 Lbs Long-Hilted -
Maul 10 Gp 1D12 Bludgeoning 20/x3 10 Lbs Hafted -
Morning-star 15 Gp 1D8 Piercing 20/x3 4 Lbs Hafted -
Orc Double-axe 40 Gp 2D8 Slashing 20/x3 9 Lbs Hafted Double Ended
Pike 5 Gp 1D10 Piercing 20/x3 12 Lbs Hafted Reach
Rapier 35 Gp 1D8 Piercing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Protective Guard
Saber 25 Gp 1D8 Slashing 19-20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Finesse
Scimitar 15 Gp 1D6 Slashing 19-20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Finesse
Short-sword 10 Gp 1D6 Piercing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hilted Finesse
Spiked Chain 35 Gp 2D4 Piercing 20/x2 10 Lbs Long-Hilted Hooked, Finesse, Reach
Urumi-sword 90 Gp 1D4 Slashing 20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Reach, Flexible
Hook-sword 20 Gp 1D6 Slashing 19-20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Hooked, Finesse
Trident 5 Gp 1D8 Piercing 20/x3 4 Lbs Hafted Hooked, Throwing Weapon(+10/x4)
War-Pick 5 Gp 1D8 Piercing 20/x4 2 Lbs Hafted Hooked
War-Hammer 15 Gp 1D8 Bludgeoning 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted -
War-Spear 10 Gp 1D8 Piercing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted -
Wrist blade 20 Gp 1D6 Piercing 20/x2 2 Lbs Fist Concealable
Bull Whip 15 Gp 1D4 Piercing 20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Reach+, Flexible
Whip 2 Gp 1D4 Piercing 20/x2 3 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Reach, Flexible

Martial Ranged Weapons

Name Cost Damage Crit Weight Type Properties
Composite Bow 60 Gp 1D6 20/x3 2 Lbs Range (100/400) (Arrows), Composit(2)
Dart Repeater 25 Gp 1D6 20/x2 3 Lbs Range (30/120) (Darts), Loading, Repeating(16)
Greatbow 80 Gp 1D10 20/x3 3 Lbs Range (180/1100) (Arrows)
Longbow 40 Gp 1D8 20/x3 2 Lbs Range (140/600) (Arrows)
Shortbow 20 Gp 1D6 20/x3 2 Lbs Range (80/320) (Arrows)
Sling 1 Sp 1D6 20/x2 - Range (40/160) (Stones)
Zhuge (Repeating crossbow) 40 Gp 1D6 20/x2 3 Lbs Range (30/120) (Bolts), Loading, Repeating(16)


A type of item that is desinged to be be launched from a weapon, but can still be used as an improviced weapon by either throwing or a melee attack. The amunition it self has a damage die and type. However, when launched from the range weapon its damage die changes to match the one specifed by the weapon. The Ammunition used determins the damage type.

Each time you attack with the weapon, you expend one piece of ammunition, the type of amunition needed will be in the properties column. Drawing the ammunition from a amunition container such as a quiver, bolt-case or knife bandoleer allows it to be made as part of the attack, rather than needing to use a free action to grab it. At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield.

Name Cost Damage Crit Weight Type Properties
Arrow 5 Cp 1D2 Piercing 20/x2 0 Lbs Hafted Amunition
Bolt 5 Cp 1D2 Piercing 20/x2 0 Lbs Hafted Amunition
Dart 5 Cp 1D4 Piercing 20/x3 1/4 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Throwing Weapon(+10/x4), Amunition
Javelin 5 Sp 1D6 Piercing 20/x3 2 Lbs Hafted Throwing Weapon(+10/x4), Amunition
Net 1 Gp - - 3 Lbs Thrown (5/15) Special
Shuriken 2 Sp 1D4 Slashing 19-20/x2 1/4 Lbs Hilted Finesse, Concealable, Throwing Weapon(+10/x4), Amunition

Threat range(Crirical Hits)

The threat range for a weapon indicates the likelihood of scoring a critical hit with that weapon. All attack rolls that fall into the given threat range, before adding any attack bonus, will result in a critical hit. The attack hits regardless of the target's AC. Weapons roll extra amount of dice for the attack's damage against the target. The relevant damage modifiers is however added as normal.


Attacks with the weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 20.


Attacks with the weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.


Attacks with the weapon score a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.


Roll all of the attack's damage dice twice and add them together.


Roll all of the attack's damage dice thrice and add them together.


Roll all of the attack's damage dice quadruple and add them together.


Some properties can only be aplied to specific weapons types.


Weapons: One-Handed Hilted

When making an attack with a finesse weapon, you use your choice of your Strength or Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. You must use the same modifier for both rolls.

Throwing Weapon.

Weapons: One-Handed hilted or piercing

Some weapons are built to be easely trowable. Add +10 to the strength score for determening the normal range of the throw. And you use 4 instead of 3 to determin the max range of the throw attack.

Protective Guard

Weapons: One-Handed hilted, hafted piercing or Fist

Wileding the weapon grants you advantage against any disarming atempts and +1 to AC.


Weapons: Two-Handed Hilted or Hafted.

This weapon adds 5 feet to your reach when you attack with it. Only Hafted weapons can have Reach+ and Reach++, wich adds 10 and 15 feet respectivly.


Weapons: Any melee

You are able to use the weapon to Grabble, Trip or Disarm a target without the need for a free hand. At the start of each of your turns, you can deal 1d4 of the weapons damage type to one creature grappled with the use of your weapon.


Weapons: Any

You roll with advantage on any competing cheks to hide the weapon on your person. If the weapon is considerd light for you then you automaticly succed, but you need to use a bonus action to take it out in combat.


Weapons: Any melee

The weapon is composed of a chain or rope, witch allows the weapon eccel at surcubventing oponents defensive guards. Using a bonus action you are able to negate the AC bonus from the targets shield on your next attack.

However, the weapon cant be used to parrying with.


Weapons: Hafted or Long-hilted

You can use the two weapon fighting rules for a double-ended weapons. If the weapons isn't consided light for you, you need to use a bonus action to make an offhand attach. The damage rolled form the offhand is halved.


Weapons: Range

Due to the weapons construction and how easy it is to handle, you can use your bonus action to make one attack. Rather than affecting the range of the weapon based on your draw strenght, you have to spend a action and your base movment to reload the weapon if your strength score is les than the draw strength. If its equal or more, you can use either your action or base movment to reload the weapon.

There are items and tools, such as a goat foot lever, than provide a bonus to your draw strength for reloading. You need a free hand and the ability to grab the tool to gain its benefit.


Weapons: Range with Loading

The weapon can fire as many times you can attack in a turn, as long as the magazine has enough amunition and the requierd drawstrength. The size of the magazine is the value in parentheses mext to the property. Once it is empty, you need to use an action to reload the magazine, but you can still manualy load it as per the loading rules.

Rolling a 2 on a attack results in the weapon jaming, requiering an action to unjam it.


Weapons: Range

The range Weapon has a damage modifier that is shown in parentheses, witch is calucalted from the weapons damage-die average -1, this value represents the pull of the weapon it self. You add this bonus to either the attack or damage roll.



These following weapons are of unusual make and requier additional description.


You are able to use your constitution modifer instead of dexterity. Weapon dose not consist of any string to draw.


A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are form less, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, bonus action, or reaction to attack with a net, you can make only one attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.


Master Crafted Properties

A masterwork weapon is a finely crafted version of a normal weapon, where it gain a propertie that grants it a new function or makes it dealier. These are achive purly through the skill of the crafted, without the use of magcal enchantments.


The weapon counts as one size smaller in spite of its damage die.


The weapon's critical threat range is increases by 1.


Wielding it provides you with a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Magic Focus

The weapon counts as a spell focus for one magic type. If the weapon is magicaly enchanced, wielding it allow you to add the weapons magic bonus to spell attack rolls and the saving throw DCs of your spells. This bonus is only applied to spells from the magic type that the focus is ment for.


The item is hard to break. Roll with advantage on any durability check to avoid breaking or destroying the weapon. Additonaly, the never gets dirty or can be easily cleaned.


If the wepon is crafted using two diferent materials wich has special qualities, then it gain the effect of both materials rather than one.


Flaw Properties

Some weapons are crafted by unskilled hands or materials of poor quality will hamper the efectivnes of the weapon.


The weapon's critical threat range is decresed by 1. If its base krit range is allready 20, it can't score critical hits.


The item is easy to break. Roll with disadvantage on any durability check to avoid breaking or destroying the weapon.


The wielder of the weapon cant use their Dexterity modifier for the attack and damage rolls. Effectivly negating the Finesse propertie.


-10 feet to its normal range for throwing, or half to its normal and max range if it's a range weapon.


Materials and magic of rare quality

Weapons are usulay built with material that is redely accesible to the crafter, and is primarely used in battles against other humanoids. However, when these armaments are used against inhumna creatures, problems may occur. In the best case the weapon les damage, worst case, the weapon may get damge or even break. Wielding weapons that are built or modified to fight such creatures is what seprerates the novice adventurer from the veterans.

A weapon may have one or more special properties that either grant it a unique effect, whitch providide a variety of bonuses to the weapon. The most common effect being that it makes the weapon effective against a specifict creature type, where it can ignores the creatures damage resistances, or even deal more damage to it depednding on the tier of the special propertie.

  • Weapon material: The material used to craft the weapon has the special property naturaly.
  • Spell: A spell can provide the special property for the duration of the spell.
  • Weapon enchantment: A skilled enough caster is able to inbue the special property in the weapon.

The special propert can stack, becomeing stonger for each diferent source that provides the same enchantment.

Effective: If a weapon has one stack of a Special property that affects a specific creature type:
  • Creatures with no Resistances are considerd vulnerable to the wepons damage type.
  • Creatures with Resistance are ignored for the wepons damage type.
  • Creatures with Immunity are treated as Restances for the wepons damage type.
Highly Effective: If a weapon has two stack of a Special property that affects a specific creature type:
  • Creatures with and without Resistance to the wepons damage type are treated as vulnerable.
  • Creatures with Immunity to the weapons damage type are ignored.
Supper Effective: If a weapon has thre stacks of a Special property that affects a specific creature type:
  • The creature is vulnerable to the wepons damage, iregardles if they have resitance or immunity towards the weapons damage type.

Magic of the the weapon

Rather than simply have a singular "magical" encantment for weapons that turns them into magic weapons, capaclbe of ignoring the reistances of all creatures, there are several difrent types each having its own effects on creatures. A weapon is capable of having multiple magical enchantemnts, but the effor and expendature to permanently imbue the enchament is costly.


Spells Affected

When a player casts a spell or use a feature that would make a weapon magical, they are able to chose a enchanment thematic to the feature and aplly it to the weapon. Doing so will make the weapon effective against the designated creature type. Certain spells have each own restrictions.

A primordial canatrip. Effective against aberrations, constructs and monstrosity.
Magic Weapon
A Divine and Arcane 2nd level spell. Depending on witch class you started the campain with, you are able to apply one of the following.
  • Divine casters can bestow the Divine, Axiomatic or Pure quality to a weapon.
  • Arcane casters can apply the Anarchic, Axiomatic or Adamant quality to a weapon.
With a bit of training and study you are able to appl one matrial quality from the list bellow to the weapon.
Elemental Weapon
A Primordial 3nd level spell. In addition to the damage, you chose witch Elemental type betwen Water, Earth, Fire or Air that the damage of the weapon would be effective against.
Holy Weapon
A Divine 5nd levelspell. In addition to the radiant damage, the weapon gains the Axiomatic and Divine Qualities.  

Any weapon that is considerd a +1,+2 or a +3 magick weapon, are magicly encahnted to inprove the weapon where smithing can't provide. However, its magic is neutral in its arcane focus wich causes it to not conflict or affect the energies and magic that flows in creatures. A weapon with Base Enchantment can still cary an additonal Enchantment, but addign it will be difficult.


Magical Qualities

Each and every creature has its own uniqe physiology, each with stregnths and vaunrabelities. If one is able to wield these energies agaisnt them, they would be made short work in battle. Through this, it is belived that some materials in the world that have been inbewd with energies that are the anathemo towards diferent creatures, making them harmfull towards diferent creatures. Amongst many of these examples are lycanthropes adversity towards silver, or constructs against adamentite.

Scollars form all fields of magic and worly knowlage have strived to catagorise these unique qualeties. With the intention to produscing items and magic that would help ward or slay creatures that would be to mighty for ordinary mortals to handle. Weaponry crafted from material that posese special qualites gain benefits that can affect its use in combat.

This list of qualities explains what effect it will have on the weapon if aplied through either magic or forging:  

Refutal and spite to law and order, will seek to tear down the flesh of those who aheart to it. Effective agains Heavenly servents (Lafwull Celestials), Illithid and their servants (Lafwull Aberration) and Valorant Giants (lawfull Giants).

When you roll a even result on damage for an attack you make with a Anarchic weapons, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is even.


The exact and precise energy or order seek to rail in the destructivnes of order. Such as Spawns from the stars (Chaotic Aberration) and Demons (Chaotic Fiends). Additonaly, material with this propertie are unable to be transmuted or transfomerd through magic.

The weapon is immune to any magical effects that would alter its shape. When rolling damage on an attack, if you roll les than the weapons average damage, you can chose to use the average instead.


The very hate of life made manifest, resulting in the baine of all living things. Effective agains all living creatures that comes from the material plane.

If the wielder of a weapon with this property is a living creature, fey or a celestial, all their d20 rolls are with disadvantage including death saves.


Divine power from the upper realm sears the form of evil creatures, even if its in a lesend form. Effecting against all Undead and Devils (Lawfull Fiends).

When casting a divine spell, the wielder gain a number of temporary hitpoints equal to the spell slot expended +1.

Weapons that are primerely made of this material counts as one size smaller than what it actualy for the wielder.  
The material is exceptionaly durrable, making it deal for striking constructs, earth elementals and structures.  
Effective against Celestial and Fey creatures.  
Materials with this property burns the forms of creatures that have been twisted by darknes. Purity is the anethema to creatures whos nature has been diluted by dark magic, inflicted by a curse or their very own soul that has compleatly sucumb to darknes. Such as lucantropes, Devils (Lawfull Fiends), wraiths (Curesd Undead) and any creature that originates from the shadow fell.  
Effective against any creature that dose not have a physical body, such as spirits, ghosts, and any creature that is curently metaphysical.  
The bringer of silence and apathy, material that consit of this propertie tends to feel cold. Effective against all Fey, uncursed Ghosts, Hades Fiends (Non devil or deamon) and fire elemntals.  
It is able to mitigate magic, or even nullify it entierly if sufficient quantity is avalible. Effective against any creature that is animated or fuled by magic. If a creature is hit by a weapon with this propertie is forced to make an spellcasting ability check of their choise against a DC of 8 + the attacks damage modifier. On a failed check, one magical effect of the attackers choise ends.      

Oils and other items

One weapon may have multiple of these properties. The spell "Magic Weapon" allows you to chose one of these propeties and add it to the weapon for the duration of the spell. If a smith or a magicly inclined indivial isnt around, the aplication of oil will inbue the weapon the with the nesesary properite to slay the creature, for a limited time of 1 hour.