Brumhilde of the Sickle Character in Jord | World Anvil
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Brumhilde of the Sickle

The Legend

In the realm of mystic folklore and mythical tales, the name Brumhilde, the Scythe Witch, reigns supreme as a legendary figure shrouded in mystery and awe. She is known as an ageless tiefling witch, her origins veiled in the mists of time, but it is believed that she is at least 556 years old, a living testament to the potent magic that courses through her veins.   Brumhilde rose to prominence during the aftermath of the Plague Wars, a time of darkness and despair that engulfed the land. As chaos reigned, she emerged as a beacon of hope for the downtrodden and the afflicted. However, her unorthodox practices and affinity for necromancy caught the attention of the Church of the Dawn, who quickly demonized her as a vile practitioner of forbidden arts.   The Scythe Witch, though, was not the sinister being the Church painted her to be. Her true expertise lay in conjuring spirits, mastering the art of brew-craft, communing with the deceased, and harnessing other forms of necromantic energy. Unlike the dark and corruptive magic attributed to necromancy, Brumhilde channeled the natural energies of the world, weaving her craft in harmony with the balance of life and death.   At the core of her legend was the oversized sickle she carried, often mistaken as a scythe, earning her the moniker "the Scythe Witch." This enchanted sickle possessed the extraordinary ability to sever the threads of life, allowing Brumhilde to gently usher souls into the afterlife. However, in a display of her unique prowess, she could also wield the scythe in a way that defied the norm of death. With a precise stroke, she could cut down a living being, only to resurrect them moments later as her loyal and ethereal companions. These resurrected souls, known as the "Harvested Shadows," became her devoted protectors and advisers, surrounding her with an aura of power and wisdom.   Brumhilde became a symbol of both fear and reverence, depending on whom one asked. While the Church of the Dawn preached against her, the common folk revered her for the blessings she brought and the healing she offered to those suffering under the weight of the Plague Wars' devastation.   Throughout the centuries, stories of Brumhilde's deeds have been passed down through generations, intertwining fact and fable. As her legend grew, so did the allure of discovering the truth behind her ageless existence and the mysteries surrounding her magic. Her tale serves as a timeless reminder that appearances can be deceiving, and the true essence of a person can only be discerned by venturing beyond the surface.   Even in the present day, the legacy of Brumhilde, the Scythe Witch, lives on, whispering through the pages of ancient tomes and lingering in the minds of those who believe in the extraordinary. Whether she truly roams the realm or has transcended into the realm of myth itself remains a tantalizing enigma, forever entwined with the tapestry of fantasy and wonder.  

The Church and the Witch

Brumhilde's attitude towards the Church of the Dawn can only be described as one of deep-seated contempt. For centuries, she has watched with simmering anger as the Church relentlessly persecuted tieflings, witches, and anyone who dared to defy their narrow definition of "normal." The Church's zealous hatred towards those who wielded magic, especially tieflings like herself, fueled her sense of outrage, and she could no longer stand idly by as they trampled on the rights and lives of innocent individuals.   The Church's growing power and influence were undeniable, and she had witnessed firsthand the devastating consequences of their witch hunts and purges. Fearing for her own safety and the safety of those she held dear, Brumhilde had no choice but to flee to the remote and desolate region known as the Norlands. Here, in the icy wilderness, she sought solace and sanctuary, far away from the prying eyes of the Church's relentless inquisition.   But make no mistake, her retreat to the Norlands did not dampen her determination to combat the oppressive grip of the Church. If anything, it fueled her desire to see them brought to their knees. She was more than willing to lend her formidable powers and knowledge to the cause of their destruction.   With a heart burning with righteous fury, Brumhilde became a shadowy figure in the Norlands, biding her time, gathering allies among the marginalized and oppressed. She honed her necromantic craft to new heights, summoning the spirits of the fallen to serve as her spectral messengers, silently sowing seeds of dissent and rebellion among the downtrodden.   When news of the Church's atrocities reached her ears, her eyes glinted with a fiery resolve. "So, the Church continues its wicked crusade, does it?" she'd mutter under her breath, her voice trembling with disdain. "They'll learn soon enough that their false piety is no match for the might of true magic."   Her once-amused sarcasm had transformed into a cutting, cold fury. The Church's self-righteousness, their ignorance, and their unyielding prejudice had stripped away any semblance of patience she might have had. Brumhilde had become a force to be reckoned with, a champion of justice and an avenger for the persecuted.   With every enchantment she wove, with every incantation she chanted, she strengthened her resolve to see the Church's downfall. Her contempt for their hypocrisy fueled her every action, and she was ready to unleash her vengeance upon them.   In the shadowy corners of the Norlands, Brumhilde plotted, knowing that her hour of reckoning with the Church of the Dawn would come. She would strike with the fury of a tempest, summoning the very forces of nature they sought to suppress. No longer content to merely defend herself, she was now a potent agent of retribution, standing tall in the face of persecution and vowing to tear down the oppressive walls of the Church brick by brick.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Brumie doesn't see gender as a binary, but as a spectrum.


In the traditions of witchcraft, sexuality is nature and nature is to be enjoyed and fluid. Mature Consent is the only key, everything else is body parts.


Brumie is taught in the ancient ways of the New Moon circles of witchcraft, which leans closer to necromancy, spiritual visions and augury.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The stage was set for an epic confrontation between the Scythe Witch Brumhilde and the fearsome Grand Inquisitor of the Church of the Dawn. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they faced each other in a secluded clearing, surrounded by ancient trees, their branches forming an intricate canopy overhead. The sun cast dappled shadows on the ground, creating an eerie yet awe-inspiring backdrop for the battle about to unfold.   The Grand Inquisitor, the chosen of the High Patriarch himself, draped in imposing black robes adorned with the symbols of his faith, exuded an aura of authority and fanaticism. He firmly believed that he was carrying out the divine will, intent on purging the world of those he deemed "unnatural" and "corrupt" by the dark arts.   On the other side stood Brumhilde, her eyes fierce and determined, a scintillating light dancing in their depths. Her oversized sickle, the source of her moniker, was gripped tightly in her hand, an extension of her very essence and power. Despite the gravity of the situation, a hint of a confident smile played on her lips, her long life having granted her a sense of serenity even in the face of danger.   As the battle commenced, the Grand Inquisitor chanted ancient verses, calling upon divine power to smite his perceived enemy. Bolts of searing light shot from his hands, crackling with fiery energy. But Brumhilde was no stranger to battle; her agile movements allowed her to gracefully evade the onslaught, and with each maneuver, she closed the distance between them.   With a swift spin, Brumhilde swung her scythe in a wide arc, slicing through the air with a precision honed through centuries of practice. The Grand Inquisitor, though skilled in his own right, was caught off guard by the graceful ferocity of her attack. Her scythe left a brilliant trail of luminescent magic as it narrowly missed its target, grazing the Inquisitor's robes, which began to smolder with a faint glow.   Realizing the grave danger he faced, the Inquisitor intensified his assault, conjuring blinding bursts of light and thundering bolts that seemed to shake the very earth beneath them. But Brumhilde remained unyielding, her magic woven in harmony with the natural energies of the world, empowering her to withstand the onslaught.   As the duel raged on, Brumhilde began to weave a complex spell, drawing upon the spirits of the fallen, the whispers of ancient trees, and the essence of the living world around her. With a radiant surge of power, she called forth the Harvested Shadows, the resurrected souls of those who had perished unjustly at the hands of the Church.   The ethereal figures surrounded Brumhilde, their incorporeal forms lending her strength and guidance. In a display of mesmerizing synchronization, the Harvested Shadows launched a counterattack, their combined might overwhelming the Grand Inquisitor's defenses.   The tide of the battle shifted inexorably in Brumhilde's favor, and the once-confident Inquisitor began to falter under the weight of the relentless assault. As her scythe connected with his defenses once more, a shockwave of energy rippled through the clearing, sending the Grand Inquisitor crashing to the ground, his fanatical fervor now replaced with desperation and fear.   In a better world, Brumhilde would have spared the cruel man before her, maybe even make a speech about how he had learned that his own zealousness caused his downfall. But that was not this day. This was a day for an example to be made to the waiting inquisitors who had had journeyed to see the end of the famed witch. Looking at the assmebly, she held out her sickle and used a spell that none dare mention. The result was horrifying regardless, as the mouth of the vast void opened and utterly destroyed the Grand Inquistor, body and soul.   In a sea of red light, Brumhilde spoke,   "Seek me no longer, weak men of a weak god. For I am the herald of your doom, and the voice of cackling death that will come for you all!"   And in a flash of light, she vanished from the field.

Failures & Embarrassments

Brumhilde's greatest failure was an event that haunted her throughout her long life, a profound and painful mistake that left an indelible mark on her heart and soul. Centuries ago, during a time of great turmoil and strife, she encountered a young woman named Elara, who sought her help in protecting her village from a relentless plague that was ravaging the land.   Elara was desperate, and Brumhilde could see the fear and anguish in her eyes. Eager to prove herself and alleviate the suffering she witnessed, Brumhilde felt a strong sense of responsibility to aid the girl and her community. Ignited by her desire to make a difference, she delved into her vast knowledge of healing magic, believing she could find a solution.   But Brumhilde's hubris got the better of her. Driven by her passion and the weight of her own abilities, she attempted a powerful ritual to halt the spread of the plague, unaware of the grave consequences her actions could bring. The spell she cast was ambitious and complex, drawing upon the life force of the land itself to attempt to heal the afflicted.   However, her grand endeavor had unintended repercussions. In her attempt to halt the plague's progress, she inadvertently disrupted the natural balance of the region, causing a cascade of catastrophic events. The land turned barren, the wildlife fled, and the delicate ecosystem that once thrived with life was thrown into disarray.   The consequences of her actions were swift and merciless. The very village she sought to protect suffered a terrible fate, with the plague intensifying and spreading unabated. The once-vibrant community was reduced to a ghost town, leaving only death and sorrow in its wake.   Little did Brumhilde know that this was part of the early stages of the Plauge Wars that would ravage the Great Kingdom of Ardania. Brumhilde has, for ages wondered if her actions actually started the great undead plauge that would ravage the land, and that uncertainty still haunts her.

Mental Trauma

Brumhilde carries the weight of a hundreds years and thousands of choices upon her shoulders, and with it comes a burden of deep-rooted mental trauma that no amount of time can erase. Living as an ageless tiefling witch, she has endured the trials of time, witnessing the rise and fall of nations, the cycle of life and death, and the unending struggle between light and darkness. Each moment, each encounter, and each loss etched themselves indelibly into her psyche, leaving behind scars that run deep.   The trauma she bears is multi-faceted, stemming from a lifetime of persecution and ostracization due to her tiefling heritage and her association with necromancy. The constant fear of being hunted down and persecuted by the Church of the Dawn has instilled in her a pervasive sense of vigilance and paranoia, always watching her back, always ready to flee at a moment's notice. The trauma of fleeing from her home, leaving loved ones behind, and being forced to live a nomadic and secluded existence in the Norlands has left her feeling disconnected and isolated from the world.   Moreover, the emotional weight of witnessing the suffering and death caused by the Plague Wars and other calamities has left Brumhilde with a profound sense of grief and survivor's guilt. She carries the weight of the souls she could not save, haunted by their ghostly whispers in her mind. The knowledge that she cannot save everyone, that mortality is an inevitability she cannot outrun, has led to feelings of powerlessness and existential dread.   Her magical abilities, though powerful and often wondrous, have also become a double-edged sword, serving as a constant reminder of the Church's condemnation and the constant threat to her safety. The internal conflict between her desire to help others and the fear of exposing her magic has created a complex web of self-doubt and inner turmoil.   Despite her strong facade and unwavering determination to fight against the Church, deep down, Brumhilde struggles with feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing. The traumas she has endured have left her questioning her own worth, wondering if the suffering she has witnessed and the lives she has touched are worth the pain and darkness that shadows her existence.   The mental trauma she carries manifests in sleepless nights haunted by nightmares and memories that refuse to fade, in moments of intense anxiety and panic when faced with potential danger, and in the constant struggle to suppress the inner turmoil that threatens to consume her.   Brumhilde's mind is a battlefield, and the scars of her traumas are a reminder of the indomitable spirit that keeps her going. Her journey is not one of healing or forgetting, but of resilience and determination to rise above the darkness that surrounds her. Each day, she carries on, drawing strength from the shadows that dwell within her, knowing that her very existence is a testament to the endurance of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity.

Intellectual Characteristics

Brumhilde's intellectual characteristics are as multifaceted and vibrant as her ageless existence. Her mind, shaped by centuries of experience and knowledge, is a treasure trove of wisdom, curiosity, and a sharp wit that often manifests in sass, colorful jokes, and flirtatious banter. However, her cynicism, borne from the weight of time and the trials she has faced, adds a layer of complexity to her persona.   At the core of Brumhilde's intellectual persona is an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She is a lifelong learner, always seeking to expand her understanding of the world and its mysteries. Her vast accumulation of knowledge spans various cultures, ancient traditions, and forgotten magical lore, making her a formidable repository of wisdom and arcane expertise.   Her penchant for sass and colorful jokes brings a lighthearted charm to her interactions. Brumhilde often uses humor as a shield against the hardships she has endured, finding solace in laughter and levity amid the darkness. Her witty remarks and clever comebacks are as sharp as the edge of her scythe, and she can effortlessly turn a serious conversation into a playful exchange of banter.   Flirting comes as naturally to Brumhilde as breathing. Her ageless beauty and charismatic demeanor make her a skilled enchantress in more ways than one. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she might playfully tease and flirt with those she encounters, leaving them both captivated and slightly bewildered by her charm. Her flirtatious nature is not just a means of amusement but also a way to build connections and understand others on a deeper level.   However, beneath her flirtatious facade lies a hint of cynicism, a product of the long life she has led and the bitter experiences she has weathered. Brumhilde has witnessed the rise and fall of her home, her people, observed the same mistakes being repeated throughout history, and seen the best and worst of humanity. This has given her a somewhat jaded outlook on the world, making her cautious about forming deep attachments and trusting others too easily.   Her cynicism acts as a protective shield, preventing her from being blindsided by the naivety of others. While she is not dismissive of genuine connections, she treads carefully, knowing that time has a way of revealing both the beauty and the ugliness hidden within people's hearts.   Brumhilde's intellectual characteristics are a mosaic of paradoxes - wisdom and wit, laughter and skepticism, charm and guardedness. Her long life has shaped her into a fascinating and enigmatic individual, a tapestry of experiences and emotions that make her both captivating and complex in equal measure.

Morality & Philosophy

Brumhilde's morality and philosophy are firmly rooted in her deep reverence for nature and the ancient ways of magic. She sees the interconnectedness of all living beings and views the natural world as a sacred tapestry, where every thread plays a vital role. Her magic, drawn from the harmonious energies of the world, is a reflection of this belief, and she strives to use it in a way that respects the delicate balance of life and death.   Central to Brumhilde's moral compass is the principle of respecting people's personal choices. She recognizes that every individual's journey is unique, and she advocates for autonomy and the freedom to make one's own decisions. Her role as an advisor is not to dictate or impose her will upon others but to provide guidance and support, empowering individuals to follow their own paths while understanding the consequences of their actions.   Brumhilde holds an intense disdain for those who attempt to force their faith or beliefs onto others. She sees such individuals as narrow-minded fools, blinded by their own self-righteousness and unable to appreciate the diversity of perspectives that enrich the world. Intolerance and zealotry are traits she will not tolerate or trust, for they represent a stark contrast to her own principles of openness and understanding.   The witch has set a strict moral boundary when it comes to taking life or meddling with death. She will never kill an innocent being, understanding the irreplaceable value of life. Furthermore, she refuses to resurrect someone who was wrongly murdered, viewing it as a perversion of the natural order and an act of cruelty. Death, in her eyes, is a part of the cycle of existence, and she does not wield her magic to defy this fundamental truth.   Brumhilde's philosophy is built upon the rejection of falsehood and self-righteousness. She loathes those who feign moral superiority, seeking to manipulate or control others through deceit. Instead, she values honesty and transparency, striving to remain true to herself and her convictions, regardless of the judgments of others.   In essence, Brumhilde embodies a compassionate and balanced approach to life, magic, and the world around her. Her beliefs are a tapestry woven with threads of respect for nature, individual choice, and the rejection of intolerance. Guided by these principles, she endeavors to navigate the complex and turbulent currents of her existence, seeking to make a positive impact and protect the sanctity of all that she holds dear.


Revealing Her True Name: Brumhilde guards her true name with utmost secrecy. She believes that knowing someone's true name grants them power over that individual, and she is not willing to give anyone such leverage. Only those she truly trusts and considers family may ever come to know her real name.   Raising the Dead Unnecessarily: While Brumhilde is skilled in necromancy and can commune with spirits, she refrains from raising the dead unnecessarily. She views death as a natural part of the cycle of life and believes that meddling with the deceased without a valid purpose can disrupt the natural order and lead to unintended consequences.   Using Magic for Personal Gain or Manipulation: Brumhilde has a strong moral code when it comes to the use of magic. She refrains from using her powers for personal gain or to manipulate others, as she sees such actions as a violation of the sanctity of magic. She uses her abilities to help and heal, not to further her own agenda or exert control over others.   Interfering with Free Will: Brumhilde deeply respects the autonomy and free will of individuals. She refuses to use her magic to influence or coerce others into making decisions against their will. She believes that everyone should have the freedom to choose their own path and learn from their experiences, even if it leads to mistakes or hardships.   These taboos reflect Brumhilde's strong sense of ethics and her reverence for the natural order of the world. They serve as guiding principles that shape her actions and decisions, ensuring that her use of magic and her interactions with others are always aligned with her core values.
Long, Graying with streaks of black, tied in a half bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Brumhilde knows Ardanian, High Ardanian, the common tongue, Volkish, Giant, and Necro, the language of the dead.

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