Tallowplant Species in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil


  • succulant-like plant with fat, waxy leaves
  • both the waxy outsides of the leaf and the tallow-like insides have uses
  • used as a fuel source, used to impart water-resistant qualities, used as shortening and preservative in food
  • more common than animal tallow or beeswax
  • Basic Information


    Low-lying species, though stalks can grow up to 3' high. Fat, waxy, grey-green leaves. Shallow but tough roots, clings well to highly rocky soil but can become unstable in sandy soil. Small, yellow-green tubular flowers grow on upright stem.

    Genetics and Reproduction

    Pollinated by several insect species. Small dry seed pods. Seeds are very small, slightly spiky, and have small filaments to catch the air.
    Conservation Status
    Geographic Distribution