Lockhinge Notes - Resources of Greymantle in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil

Lockhinge Notes - Resources of Greymantle

Reeds - paper, baskets/weaving, sugar cane, cattail uses
Palmetto - thatching, baskets/weaving, cordage, clothing, oil/wax, tools (sifting grain etc.)
Grass/Swampgrass/Seagrass - baskets/weaving
Swamp flax - baskets/weaving, cloth, cordage
Swamp milkweed, banana, etc. - cordage, cloth     Saplings - baskets/weaving
Cedar? (bark, roots) - cordage, baskets/weaving, etc.
Birch? - paper, containers, basket/weaving   Leather - mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish skin
Rawhide - "parfleche" boxes/containers
Pelts - mammal, birds
Shells - decoration, clothing (tiled)
Feathers - cordage/weaving (when combined with other materials)
Quills - beads, decoration, tools
Baleen - baskets/weaving, tools, weapon equipment (compound bows etc.) Insect silk - cordage, cloth   Salt Minerals Clay   Raft, canoe   Resources/Information:
Seminole, Cambodia/SEA,
https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/184245/what-sort-of-materials-could-be-used-to-make-clothing-in-a-swamp   Whitebait (different name): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitebait   Marine and mudflat "farms" - Xiapu mudflats!
^ seaweed growing nets, big crab(?) nets, round shrimp farms (?)
ideas: marine lizardfolk working mudflats, round post nets with open tops, trap things as tide goes out. very wide nets arranged parellel in sort of a big maze, so fish and more powerful animals can swim around or over, but smaller things get delayed or trapped by nets as tide goes down.