Lockhinge Notes - Liyda and Silver Strand Settlement in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil

Lockhinge Notes - Liyda and Silver Strand

  • Lockhinge's sister city
  • Silver Strand barony is part of Lockhinge county (not part of Greymantle)
  • Silver Temple Cliffs is where Aiza's keep is, somewhat near Lillan
  • Can travel overland but it's rough in places and goes through a lot of countryside. Not a terrible journey but is not convenient unless you live pretty close by. Generally speaking, people much rather travel over sea. That's the romantic way to travel, especially with how geared the tourist sector is for those arriving by ship.
  • supposedly started as a pirate outpost, or at least was dominated by pirate activity when that was a big thing. When that died down, Liyda rebranded itself as a remote and exciting getaway destination, along with being an important point of trade (though Lockhinge dominates in this category).
  • Tourists see the friendly, romantic, exciting face of the city, when there is more of an underbelly than the vast majority of people realize. It's still a Lockhinge county settlement, so at least partially plays by those rules instead of the rest of the kingdom's. Liyda is also a vacation destination for Lockhingeans, with them largely sticking to other parts of the city that are more their speed, aware of all the secret things that those unfamiliar with Lockhinge Cant will miss.