Lockhinge Notes - City Government Etc Organization in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil

Lockhinge Notes - City Government Etc



Law - Headed by the High Chancellor   Intelligence - Headed by the High Reporter   Treasury - Headed by the High Treasurer   Diplomacy - Headed by the Ambassador   Guilds and Factions - Headed by the Guildmaster  

Legislative Body

Laws can be suggested or petitioned by anyone, and these go through a system of advisors before they reach the desk of the Countess, who has final say on the proposed laws and edicts. The Countess may also generate and sign laws herself, though she still must consult various advisors. These advisors do not have the power to overwrite or reject the Countess' decisions, and she is under no obligation to heed their suggestions.   The final step is to bring all laws and edicts to the Office of Law, where it is discussed and potentially tweaked, and then disseminated by that Office to whoever needs to be notified.  

Judicial Body

The head of each Office is responsible for making sure that everyone under their jurisdiction is acting within the law and wellbeing of the city. The Chancellor both mediates and corresponds directly with these Heads of Office, as well as offering advice and relaying any vital concerns to the Countess. Only when a dispute arises or the integrity of one of the Heads of Office is called into question does outside mediation need to be brought in. It is within the best interest of each of the Heads of Office to be diligent in the monitoring and discipline of their Office, because they will be at least partially help responsible for any problems or corruption associated with their Office.  

Executive Body

For any matter that the Heads of Office cannot control, or if the Heads of Office themselves are suspected of wrongdoing, the Countess and the Office of Law are brought in to judge and either arrange for a court hearing or summarily hand out punishment.  


It is common knowledge among residents that there is "written" law and there is "quiet" law. Only written laws can be enforced by those in official positions, but everyone needs to also understand the quiet laws to avoid trouble.  

Enforcement and Defense

Rangers Aeskethi   Stormguard   City guard(?)   Private Defense  

Agriculture and Industry

  • a lot needs to be imported, so some food and material very expensive.
  • within greymantle, some dryground farms exist, but mostly swamp-friendly crops and materials.
  • Emphasis on working with the swamp instead of chamging it to fit the city's needs.
  • Include construction materials, animal husvandry, etc.
  • Imports and Exports


    Trade and Transport





  • where does Lord Harbormaster fit?
  • Type
    Geopolitical, County / March
    Ruling Organization
    Economic System
    Mixed economy
    Official Languages