Greymantle and Lockhinge Crocodiles Species in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil

Greymantle and Lockhinge Crocodiles

Greymantle crocodiles are a tall-standing and surpisingly intelligent species of crocodile found only in Greymantle Marsh, where the locals both revere them and rely on them for the resources they provide. Their long legs allow them to walk and run more ably than other crocodile species, and they use this athleticism and their intelligence to employ a variety of hunting tactics--both ambushing from the water and rising up to look for prey over the tall marsh grass. While small and medium-sized individuals are numerous throughout the marsh, there are dominant Greymantle crocodiles who survive and successfully hold their territories for decades, growing to enormous size. The regulations for hunting crocodiles in Greymantle are taken seriously, with the punishments for killing a crocodile over the allowed size often being more severe than crimes against fellow Greymantle residents.   The Lockhinge crocodile is the domesticated subspecies of the Greymantle crocodile, bred and kept only in the Lockhinge county, with very few exceptions. The tradition of breeding crocodiles to bring out their best qualities, with an emphasis on intelligence and an even temperament, is a prestigious one whose history seems to go back as far as Lockhinge's history does.   Lockhinge crocodiles are famous for their cleverness and trainability. Their capacity to follow commands, easily recognize many different individuals, and know their own name is better compared to intelligent domesticated mammals than to other reptiles. Their primary purpose is to aid the Greymantle rangers in their stewardship of the marsh, originally bred to enhance their athleticism and keen senses of hearing, sight, and vibration-detection, though their uses have greatly diversified over the years. Lockhinge crocodiles can now be found trained for a variety of tasks, such as guarding, hunting, riding, pulling carts and boats, and combat.   The transport and keeping of all living creatures in and around Lockhinge is closely monitored, and most animals are not allowed within the city proper. There are specific species allowed, in specific circumstances, and all pets and service creatures are required to be registered at a civic center before they can be kept. Some, like crocodilians, need a license in order to own them. Miniature caimans are allowed in most areas of the city, but crocodiles are only allowed in the Stone Quarter, where there is the room to keep them and the resources needed to properly monitor them. For those privileged enough to own crocodiles within the city, they are seen as status symbols, and are often decorated and pampered-- however, allowing a crocodile to grow lethargic and fat instead of being exercised and used as the useful creature they were meant to be is very much frowned upon. Crocodiles are utilitarian creatures, not lapdogs (unlike miniature caimans).   Lockhinge crocodiles are bred only in one of three Basks: Lockhinge Bask, Three Island Bask, and Silver Strand Bask. Though the bloodlines do occasionally mix and the breed is essentially the same across the board, there are some subtle differences between crocodiles coming from each of the three Basks. Some enthusiasts push to separate the bloodlines into distinct breeds and refine the differences between them, but others worry about weakening the integrity of the species, believing that crocodiles should possess all of the features and abilities needed for their current work and active survival in the wild marsh. There will always be the fight between those who see the potential for Lockhinge crocodiles to become something even more than what they are now, and those who fight against crocodiles being seen as pets that can be so manipulated and shaped by man.
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