Crossbow Worm Species in Jewels of Lockhinge | World Anvil

Crossbow Worm

Of the pantheon of worm and leech species found in the Blacklace Flats, several are found in this particular stretch of mudflats and nowhere else, and one of the most dramatic of these is the Crossbow Worm. Though they are a creature found only in a very localized area that is both extremely remote and extremely inhospitable, they have become infamous among some scholars, naturalists, and rangers all across Greymantle. Stories of the weaponous mouthparts and startling feeding habits, as well as the sizes that they are reported to grow to, spread far and wide. It is sometimes difficult to sort fact from fiction, and no one seems to agree whether the frightening worms really can prey upon harpies or not.

Basic Information


The "crossbow" of the worm's name refers to its mouthparts, which are seemingly spring-loaded and able to extend far past the mouth opening in the blink of an eye. This is usually the only part of the worm ever seen above the mud, and even that is typically missed until the creature springs its trap, skewering and dragging its prey down to the mud in one explosive motion.   The rest of the creature can only be seen when dragged forcefully out from the safety of the mud, which tends to provoke it into fighting with every ounce of ferocity it has to become hidden again, so these glimpses are usually shortlived without killing the creature first.   It is one of the stockier worms found in the Flats, vaguely lozenge shaped, with a semi-transparent body. The dorsal side of the worm is creamy yellow and a little opaque, with its sides and underside more transluscent and tinged amber or orange. The dark line of a central blood vessel can be seen through its skin, along with the blurry, indistinct shapes of other organs and tissues. Occasionally, the skin is also colored with patches of pigmentation, potentially appearing with age.   Crossbow worms feed primarily on wading birds of various sizes as they prey upon smaller worm species, though it is rumored that the formidable creatures will even catch and feed on harpies if they grow to a large enough size.
Geographic Distribution