Giladen Saresa Character in Jennara | World Anvil

Giladen Saresa

Giladen Saresa hails from the borough of Everska. While a wizard by trade his early days were in partnership with human thief Sara Sorchen picking off the mostly human vacation community of Jessamyn and retreating to Everska where their lives as thieves were unknown.    Their partnership bloomed into love and though Giladen knew that Sara would be around for only a glimmer he cherished her and soon the two were with child.    Sara lived to be 55 and faded from his life all too soon. Eladrin had her thieving spirit and Giladen promised he would teach him in the ways of magic.    Giladen promised the boy that they would continue in the mother's tradition of picking off the idle rich. But he was left with a quandary the quicker he trained his son Eladrin the sooner he would be in danger. Perhaps he would lose Eladrin faster than he lost Sara. Giladen resolved that his son was not old enough to learn magic and said his day would come.    Eventually Eladrin lost patience and stole the book of spells that he believed he would mostly understand.   Giladen was left with holes in his heart, memory, and power. For awhile he resolved to give up magic entirely, living off his ill gotten gains. During this time though there was another half elven girl growing up in the village. Anilas Seathra   Younger than Eladrin. Giladen began to recover his knowledge and train her. Then Giladen's knowledge began to expand to the school of Divination. He would find his son never certain whether he would punish him or embrace him.
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