Circus Fonsa Organization in Jennara | World Anvil

Circus Fonsa

Circus Fonsa has long been a headliner in the Casinos of Jessamyne as well as a traffic blocker in the streets and adjoining canals. The Fonsas are known for doing public aerial and acrobatic work using the waterways of Jessamyne as safety net being accomplished divers as well as circus performers hailing back to Alphonse early days as a pearl diver which he was dismissed from when he secreted pearls out to feed his family.    Alphonse Fonsa began humbly with his son Antonio Fonsa doing a street juggling act upon the canal streets while his daughter Rosa picked pockets. As she grew older Antonio and she switched roles as she learned the art of the Spanish web. Antonio took on the job of cutpurse.   Antonio in his early twenties fell in love with a street acrobat named Anita and they began to work together. What was once a a few street acts became a bustling family circus. It was no longer necessary to engage in thievery. They were one of the most sought after acts amongst the Jessamyne's canal carnival nightlife.   Alphonse was initially the ringmaster for the circus Fonsa. But eventually became Ill and died Antonio and Anita soon became friends with a once noble turned stage magician known as Marosca Basque/Mago Amor who became the mouth of the troupe.   With Mago Amor in the front the troupe was rocketed to brief stardom. This stardom came just after the birth of their Fraternal twins Kaleb and Belandra. When Belandra and Kaleb were very young their parents split up and they performed without their father for a very brief period.   Belandra Fonsa and Kaleb Fonsa have recently left the Circus Fonsa as a result of wounded pride of Baron Mathias Luchein who Kaleb humiliated in defense of his sister who did not return his affections. Rather than have their family suffer his revenge they went on the run.


The members of the Fonsas family circus believe their lot in life is to elevate everyone seeking escape. It is not their place to seek escape for themselves other than to blow off steam between shows. Because time is fleeting between shows live and let die

Public Agenda

The flying Fonsas are committed to creating the greatest acrobatic spectacle in Jessamyne Jennara and the outlying world.


A circus houseboat. and a couple of caravan wagons for land performance shows.

We are the window to the spectacular

Entertainment, Troupe
Alternative Names
The Flying Fonsas, The Passion Swing