Mortal in Jeharr | World Anvil
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Mortals are beings unique to Jeharr although many mortal groups have moved and been moved since The First Moment all over Internus. Mortal's are unique in that they are not derived of a single source, such as Angel  or Elementals. Rather, mortals are created of the unique and poorly understood unification of flesh and cosmic power. The term "power" in this case refers to the raw essence of all of creation called sparks from the Sea of Sparks, which fills the space between planes of existence and is present all across Internus. Mortals are unique in Internus not only for their dual faceted existence, but for their resulting detachment from all other forces and beings in the Cosmos. Long ago, before the old world, it was believed that mortals were, in a way, the children of the Old God of Creation who created Jeharr, indirectly creating the mortals. Since the death of the Old God of Creation, their name has fallen out of use and the connection that mortals may have once had to the Gods or any other conscious force in the cosmos has likewise faded.  


  It is the rift within every mortal that connects the body back to the Sea of Sparks. Every mortal possesses this innate, continuous connection to the Sea of Sparks. This connection is anatomically located slightly right of the center of the chest, mirroring the location of the heart, although it is only physically present on the Spirit Plane. Like the heart, a mortal’s rift lets energy from the Sea of Sparks flow through channels, giving life to the entity. When the Rift no longer allows energy from the Sea to run throughout the body, the creature dies. Additionally, extreme bodily trauma or some other failing of the flesh will result in the flow ceasing. Each rift is unique and characterized by two Divine Descriptors.  

Divine Descriptors in Mortals

  Each mortal has two divine descriptors which characterize their specific Rift an apparent and an invisible descriptor. While these Divine Descriptors are unique to each individual, it is unclear whether or not they affect that individual's relationships, personality and tendencies. Religious and arcane rituals and certain extreme circumstances are said to be capable of influencing which Divine Descriptors a baby is born with, which otherwise takes one descriptor from one parent and one seemingly completely at random.   The apparent descriptor becomes known to all mortals nearby a child in the moments following its birth, while the invisible descriptor requires a substantial amount of arcane or religious investigation to uncover.  

Mortal Soul

  Mortals are unique in that their essence is not directly tied to their physical form, unlike the other beings of Internus. Rather, upon death, a "soul" or the essence of the dead being is freed of its body and goes on to live a seemingly eternal afterlife barring outside interference. The soul is not identical to the mortal that it once was, however, the soul is seemingly no longer capable of substantial growth in the afterlife, be it mentally or physically. It's for this reason that their is such a focus on living one's mortal life in just such a way to facilitate the growth of one's soul. The soul of a mortal also seems generally much less capable of change after its natural life, including ambitions, opinions, and goals.


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