Imperial Sunrise Broadsheet Guild Organization in Jeharr | World Anvil
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Imperial Sunrise Broadsheet Guild


The Sunrise Broadsheet Guild is an Ackramorian guild that is led by Naeus Dalvanos who employs writers, reporters and news yellers across The Ackramorian Empire. With heavy influence from the government of The Ackramorian Empire, the Imperial Sunrise Broadsheet Guild publishes Broadsheets on a weekly basis all across the empire from local offices.

Public Agenda

The Imperial Sunrise Broadsheet Guild informs the Ackramorian public of the goings on across the empire.


The Imperial Sunrise Broadsheet Guild was formed during the reign of Emperor Sivus Felix. The development of the Doplicane Parchment Replication Process allowed for the easy replication of a master version of a piece of parchment. The discovery of the DPR Process allowed for Harold Doplicane to found Jeharr's first and only broadsheet guild. To this day, the DPR Process remains a jealously guarded secret by members of the Sunrise Broadsheet Guild.   The Guild has historically shown favor to the Ackramorian Imperial Government, but generally reports factually and honestly on events taking place across the empire. Around the end of Sivus Felix's reign as emperor, the Sunrise Broadsheet Guild began to expand and use remote offices, writers and news yellers to report on local events in addition to the articles written in their headquarters in the imperial capital, Ackra.

Dawn 'til dusk and back again, if it's worth talking about, it'll be in the broadsheet.

Founding Date
456 BBA
Broadcasting, Newspaper / Magazine
Alternative Names
Sunrise Broadsheet
Related Ethnicities


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