Dr. Ioriel Metalsmith Character in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

Dr. Ioriel Metalsmith

Ioriel Meetalsmith is a mysterious figure whose currently location, or even if he alive is dead, is unknown. He is the founder of Castle Vormir and creator of many of the constructs and monstrosities found inside the castle as well as in the village of Deerfield. Based on notes and devices found he appears to have been a powerful artificer and wizard, probably of elven decent. He appears to have left the castle about 100 years ago although whether this was by choice with the intent to return, accident or forced is unknown. A mad scientist of sorts, Metalsmith research appeared focused on creating semi-intelligent life out of metal and elements. In addition he seemed fascinated with the fusion of these both together and combined with existing flesh.
Current Status
Current Location
Circumstances of Death
Current Residence


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