{9,5} Ancient Elfwood Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{9,5} Ancient Elfwood

Hex Description

This hex is dominated by thick woods, amongst which are hidden a number of elven ruins. Though little more than foundations are left of most of them, some subterranean structures still remain intact from when the ancient elves sealed them away. The trees grow larger and heartier the closer one approaches to the center of the forest. An Old World power, Selbattia, has achieved a presence in this region, exploring out from a settlement based in a yet-unknown location.

Quest Summary

  • "Among the Dead":The party arrived at the location of an elven ruin, striking a deal with a green dragon named Chrysoberyl to plunder the tomb and split the rewards. When an attack from a Selbattian scouting party left one of the group dead, the party had to negotiate away their share of the rewards in order to have her restored to life.
  • Let Freedom Ring: 36 took issue with a notice posted in Jaytown which advertised a Warforged for sale as a domestic servant in a ruin in the Ancient Elfwood: Traveling to the western reaches of the region, her and her company found an overpriced market had popped up from the goods looted from the ruin. After they dealt with this rabble (nearly dying in the process), the green dragon Chrysoberyl revealed himself to them, and disappointed with the mediocre gear remaining in the ruins' depths, allowed them to leave with the meagre loot they had found. Some Hillbilly Nonsense Like "Varmints, Dadgummit!"
  • Some Hillbilly Nonsense Like "Varmints, Dadgummit!": 36 & friends were hanging about the tavern when a prospector barged in, appealing for vengeance to be done upon a necromancer and his undead forces, which had attacked and overtaken his mine, slaying all his friends and companions. They traveled to this mine at the borders of the Ancient Elfwood, and ambushed the undead found there, slaying them all, though the necromancer swiftly retreated after bombarding them with spells.
  • Some Hillbilly Nonsense Like "Varmints, Dadgummit!" 2: 36 & co. cleared out the mine in the Ancient Elfwood, slaying the necromancer which headed the undead forces there in a pitched battle. They looted what they could, but found that the mine's products had for some time been being moved to another location through a cavernous hole at the bottom of the mine, which led to parts unknown.
  • Terror at Mountain Lotus Temple: Gaz, Eldrin, Cyrtan and Kraag went to investigate the Mountain Lotus Temple. There they found no one but Sister Horakan who misled them into believing the dangers from without while they were within. Cyrtan noticing the zombies and the party promptly defeating the monsters and the Hanku Penanggal, who was impersonating as Sister Horakan, cleansed the place. They were thanked by Sister Sorakan's ghost as they left.
Environment: Forest, Hill
Difficulty: Open
Status: Explored (5/5)
Uncovered By: Jacob (DM), Will Drinkwater


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