{9,-5} Silver Academy of Practical Knowledge DM Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{9,-5} Silver Academy of Practical Knowledge DM

Lore Summary

Far to the west, lost in the seas and surrounded by a mysterious curse that frighten the commoners and sailors, you will find a small Island that is half covered by a magnificent city. Inside high walls made of stone. The adventurers that were able to find a way to get there were welcome by the leader of that faction the "Silver Academy of Practical Knowledge" The first contact were awkward since the tabaxi were waiting to understand the habits of Jaytowners to greet strangers. Some adventurers teached them to do a proper handshake, everything was noted for future review. A warm lady even told them about hugging and the rules to respect around that. The tabaxis were very interested. Indeed, the adventurers discovered that this academy was all about learning about behavior. The scholars are powerful mages that can teleport the adventurers in rooms made of pure illusions. All those games are played under strict rules to help the science. And everytime, the adventurers were able to see "The witnesses", an honorary distinction amongst the scholars. The witness has the role to watch and write everything happens during the games. It is formally forbidden to interact with the witnesses because it breaks the neutrality of the scientist and would make the whole experiment null. A filthy goblin tried to charm them to help him during a game, it was a terrible mistake. More witnesses came by and thrown many fireballs at them, burning the group to death.   The leader of the Silver academy, called Silver mustaches is an old tabaxi who welcomed the jaytowners himself outside the walls. Indeed, you are forbidden to enter the city before helping the academy, and the only way to help them is to add some knowledge to their famous library. One group even discovered after their trials that this library contains many scrolls and recipes. The most exciting find were the legend of an encyclopedia. A little book that is supposed to contain all the knowledge about everything in the world. After so many help from the Jaytowners, Silver Mustaches decided to send out emissaries to Jaytown to offer the city a premium edition of that book !   Now the contact is made, there is still a lot to discovered behind those walls and appart from the games, probably many secrets and horrible things are to be discovered by brave adventurers !
Environment : Plains, Woods
Difficulty : Open Status: Explored (5/5) Uncovered by : Silver (DM)


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