{6,3} Nebulun’s Grove DM Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{6,3} Nebulun’s Grove DM


  • Cabin in the Woods: Party was given a letter by a courier in the Kingdom of Chu to set out for a cabin behind the bloodwoods to look for a lost gnome. They found the cabin and drank the potions on the table to turn into the size of an inch in height, and they found a gnome named Nebula who was hiding out. After a battle with spiders and a giant, playful cat they drank another potion to return to normal size and found out that the gnome they had found was none other than the trickster god, Nebelun.
Environment: Forest, Grassland
Landmarks: None NPCs: None
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Open (1/5)
Uncovered By: Penna Muffintop, Alyra, Veldrin Moonquiver, Alice Barzod


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