{6,-3} Burnt Coasts Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{6,-3} Burnt Coasts

Hex Description

A landmass that was previously connected to the main continent before a cataclysmic event occurred and shattered the landmass into an archipelago. The current Burnt Coasts contain multiple islands, the majority of which host a volcano of varying sizes. Most of the islands have different towns and settlements constructed and have trade with various coastal settlements of the main continent

Quest Summary

  • Thread of Fates: Jaytowners have been hired to venture into Scarmeda Isle wherein the Erif Silk Worm for a new alchemist in Jaytown, whilst there they encountered giant insects and magma mephits that unfortunately resulted to the death of one of the adventurers.
  • My Precious" one ring to rule them all: Bellrock, Tank, Darksun and Wynox take a trip to Burnt Coasts to find a specific ring maker. In order to recruit him, they set into a perilous adventure up the mountain, to retrieve the Book of Armamements from a succubus.
Environment: Coastal/Island, Mountain
Difficulty: Challenging
  Status: Scouted (2/10)
  Uncovered By: Yce, Leocedes Vainnail , Soren , El Gato


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