{5,5} Skybound Isles Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{5,5} Skybound Isles


  • Let’s Make Our Own Heyven: Prompted by a vision from Heylune, Josiah led a group of adventurers to the unexplored region beyond the Twilight Wasteland. They encountered aberrations encased in strange hedrons and found a suitable location for the foundation of the Heyven settlement.
  • Visting a Mass Grave:The party discovers a location where two unknown factions (nicknamed "Red Turbans" and "The Grays") fought. The "Red Turbans" appear to utilize magic and constructs to fight.
Right tool for the job 2&3:Among the sky bound isles party of brave adventures fought of a hoard of aberrant balors-demons and hopefully stop powerful ancient abominations from being released in a quest to help storm giants find a place to resettle
Environment: Coastal, Mountain
Incomplete Player Settlement: Heyven [Josiah, Jacob's Jinglehof, Guiyus, Toxiod, Dzermo Omredz, Asulf]
Landmarks: None
NPCs: None
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Challenging (6/8)
Uncovered By: Brother (DM), Josiah, Jacob’s Jinglehof, Guiyus Shiel, Toxiod, Dzermo Omredz, Asulf


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