{5,0} Zhou Kingdom Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{5,0} Zhou Kingdom

Quest Lore

  • Path to Enlightenment (Part 1): The party under the leadership of Orimo and Serval ventured into the lands of the Zhou Kingdom, in order to learn more about the monks of the Long Night. They entered a village and learned about the basic situation in the kingdom and decided to track through the wilderness towards the bigger cities only to be attacked by a Great Dune Mimic.
  • Hire a stabler? I know a gal!: The group traveled to Darnagal, a city in the kingdom of Zhou. After an altercation with a guard and subsequent killing of said guard, they got expelled from the city, but could keep up the good relation to the NPC they were tasked to escort back to Jaytown to open her mount-shop.
  • A Grave Matter Pt1 & 2: Moray, D.O.G.E, Fluffer, and Kali traveled to the imperial city in the Zhou and met with Prince Leuum to clear out one of the city’s largest graveyards where the gates had been closed due to natural occurrences taking place there. The party traveled several hours to the back of the graveyard encountering some risen skeletons, and the a sentient undead, named Radomir -that told them to proceed no further as the mausoleum came into view - then vanished; however, after much deliberation, ( Moray dissenting strongly against pressing forward: but unconvincingly in the face of the other hearty Jaytown adventures ) they cleared a decent portion of the mausoleum of many undead, to find a portal to another location with an ominous castle in the distance: they reported this dire finding back to Prince Leuum.
Environment: Urban
  Landmarks: Imperial City, Yan, Zang, Canglan, Great Puppet Cities. Monastery of the Long Night
  NPCs: Zhou imperial family, different aristocratic families, Monks of the Long Night, Lauren Swiftfoot, stabler for Jaytown
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Treacherous (3/10)
Uncovered By: Krzysztof (DM), Panther, Orimo, Serval, Sorik, Arima


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