{5,-1} Urlandskapet DM Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{5,-1} Urlandskapet DM


Urlandskapet consists of a very large lake surrounded by deep forests which are in turn surrounded by large mountains. It is mainly populated by elves and Giants, specifically Eladrin and Lightning Giants who are rare giants not part of the Ordning. The deep and dark lake takes up a large part of the hex but inhabitants keep away if they can, it is normally frozen over except weather has been magically influenced lately leading to large amounts of refugees.  


  • Once Humble Beginnings: The party met the lightning giant Efrost who asked them to help free his siblings from captivity and defeat a storm giant sorcerer Onding who had usurped the throne and allowed the release of monsters from the depths of the lake and forest. The party travelled far and wide and released Efrost's brother Ejord and sister Elda before crafting a magic instrument which enabled them to storm the throne and kill Onding before she killed the princess Freja or teleported away, but not before she killed one of the party members.

  • Dubious Relations: The party went to see the Giants who had trouble mantaining their rule of the region. They now have to choose whether to support the claim of the chaotic Vikings/Barbarians or the lawful Order of the Nail Hellknights, or none of them.
  • Aid the LawfulThe party got summoned to help the Hellknights with some basic tasks around their encampment. They built a shoddy bridge and managed to convince the remaining Wererats to move to another place.
  • Knights?The party went to see the dwarves and promised to try to talk to the Hellknights or steal a relic from the Giants. The Hellknights also asked them to steal the relic but for their sake, and now the party has to choose who they're loyal to.
Environment: Forest, Lake, Mountain
  Landmarks: Molnslottet, Lake Avgrund
  NPCs: Efrost, Freja, Ejord, Elda
Status: Scouted
Difficulty: Challenging (3/8)
Uncovered By: Kalle (DM), Endran, Vendor Queen (Asmo), Ward, Alister Silverbrook, Kim Keow
DM Location: Kalle


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