{10,7} Northwest Sword Coast Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{10,7} Northwest Sword Coast


This is a place of adventure, where daring souls delve into ancient strongholds and explore the ruins of long-lost kingdoms. Amid a lawless wilderness of jagged, snow-capped peaks, alpine forests, bitter winds, and roaming monsters, the coast holds such great bastions of civilization as the city of Neverwinter, in the shadow of the fuming volcano known as Mount Hotenow.  

Quest Lore:

  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Gnomengarde: The Four Heroes found each other on a highway robbery. Seeing all of them care for the people of Fundalin they chose to do something about this White Dragon issue that's causing troubles all around. For now they are preparing for the worst by going to Gnomengarde to get magical items.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Shrine of Savras: After being done with Gnomengarde Misfits went for the Shrine of Savras to expel raiding orcs. A fight with the whole camp ensued as their stealth attempt foiled. During the battle they have lost their friend Clide Chent and they decided it is fitting to bury him in the Shrine of Savras, the god of knowledge.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Loggers' Camp: Misfits journeyed to Loggers' Camp to deliver supplies, but found the camp destroyed by Ankhegs. They found a totem made by Anchorites of Talos and by destroying it bug creatures left the area. They took the only alive person in the camp, Tibor Wenster, with them for a detour to Neverwinter, where they sold the bell and bought some items.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Butterskull Ranch: Misfits got the news of Butterskull Ranch being attacked and went there immediately. There they saw a group of orcs enjoying themselves, having ransacked the Ranch. They moved silently and killed orcs in the farmhouse and fields. After all of the orc bosses were dead, they went down to the cellar to find an Anchorite of Talos holding Big-Al hostage. With a close call knife throw and a lucky pseudodragon stinger, they stood victorious, bringing Big-Al to Fundalin.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Dwarven Excavation: Gaining Lathaniel as a new member, the Misfits went to help dwarf prospectors with their temple excavation. Cleaning the temple from its ooze monsters, they hear a fight happening nearby. They rushed to it to see Mr. Twinkles' clan being ambushed by orcs. With great losses they barely defeated the orcs and Mr. Twinkles reunited with his mother.
  • Dragon of Icespire Peak - Mountain's Toe Gold Mine: The Misfits entered the mine from a secret entrance and saved the miners without a big fight. After that, they returned and initiated diplomacy with the Wererats and convinced them to leave and stay neutral until the dragon issue is solved.
Environment: Forest, Hills
Landmarks: Fundalin, Gnomengarde, Neverwinter, Leilon, Sword Mountains, Neverwinter Wood
Status: Explored
Difficulty: Treacherous (10/10)
Uncovered By: Enes (DM), William Monroe, Mr Twinkles, Gostir, Clide Chent


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