{10,6} Veðr Heimstǫð Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{10,6} Veðr Heimstǫð

Hex Description[

Along the borders to there seems to be areas of fresher vegetation and busier towns that act as the hub for the various clans and villages that populate the area. Tales have been passed down of the legendary storms of fury that seem to be originate from North Western lands and also speak of the cult-like followers of the 'Mother' who dominate the North East, who seem to be at the core of the displacement of many clans.  

Quest Summary

  • Ode o' Olgar: Olgar and the party encountered a tavern to rest within where they met Daffodil and Leif, the latter telling them of an attack upon his village. Reminiscent of his own past, Olgar feels compelled to go and investigate further, perhaps to avenge his own clan in the process. Into the Eye of the Storm (Pt 1)
  • Into the Eye of the Storm (Pt 1): Leonotus and Rylee answered the distress call of Hofn, a small village below the mountains to the North West, one of the many villages seemingly incurring the wrath of the local giants. The duo learned of the longstanding pact of protection made by the local Jarls with the giants and the fact that, for some reason, it seems to have been broken.
  • Into the Eye of the Storm (Pt 2-6 completing the exploration): Leonotus and Rylee were summoned to support the towns of the North from becoming the pawns in a new game being played by the Mistress of Fury across the realm. Thanks to their actions, the Mistress' cult followers have retreated back into the shadows for now.
Environment: Arctic and Mountain
Difficulty: Challenging
Status: Explored (8/8)
Uncovered By: Gingy(DM), Olgar, Elliot, Sam Colton


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