{10,2} Whale Crater Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{10,2} Whale Crater

Hex Description

What was in this hex before is lost to time. All that remains is a gigantic imprint of a whale in the ground. Some say the land is haunted to this day by a ghost whale that moans its sorrow. Some also say that any creature that remains has genetically morphed with whale DNA.

Quest Summaries

  • Will Will be a Whale?: The party set out to mesh Will's DNA with that of a whale. As part of this, they found an open track of land and shot a whale out of a spelljammer cannon from space
  • Bird magicThe party set out to learn about a strange ritual that calls to birds, got kicked out of space japan and learned about the life and death ritual of the birds of the area.
  • Like a Shooting StarA spaceship crashed just west of Jaytown. The party found an alien named Tom that needed to get back to space. They helped him by going to the whale crater hex and using the portal there to get into space and get him back to the tattoo shop where he works.
  • Space!Tom Space!Errands: The party helped Space!Tom complete the errands his boss told him to do including setting up a space!arena, telling the people at the Space Jamboree to go suck a space lemon, moving the sushi shop back to space, fixing the Apple ATM, and putting up signs around the whale crater so that people don't freak out when they are yeeted into space.
  • Fire in the (Blow)hole:The ruins of the city had gotten explored only track of creatures leaving the ruins but none where found . An underground ruins of a dead civilization was found .
Environment: Wasteland
Difficulty: Open Status: Explored (5/5) Uncovered By: Mae(DM), Space Captain I.Tv2, Will Drinkwater, Paeris Bluclu


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