{-2,-5} Mermaid Islands Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{-2,-5} Mermaid Islands

Hex Description

Mysterious islands surrounded by heavy fog. Sailors traveling through the uncharted waters have to watch out for the beautiful but deadly mermaids. The ones who manage to set foot on land, shall enter a world of ancient ruins, and old pirate legends.

Quest Summary

  • Land Ho!: Kai wanted to get rid of the pirates roaming the waters around Jaytown. A series of events has lead her and her party to the Mermaid Isles, where they had to traverse the jungle, fight pirates and monsters, all to get the treasure and grant Kai a new ship.
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  • Shiver me Timbers!: Captain Jacob Jagger has told the adventurers the legend of admiral Henry Heart and the Chalice of life that is supposed to be hidden on the Island of Mermaids. Together with the old sea dog, they ventured into the archipelago and raided admirals tomb, where they found an encrypted admiral's journal. Making Contact
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  • Making Contact The party reached out to a witch living on the Mermaid Islands in hope that she would encrypt the admiral's Heart journal. She helped them, but in return asked Thancred to one day fullfill her wish. She gave him a half of a coin as a reminder.
    Echoe's of the Past
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  • Echos of the Past: Alshu has traveled across the sea to find the Blood Witch of the Mermaid Islands who was able to reveal the fate of Alshu's friend Ilsa. In order for the witch to help, adventurers brought her a memory flower from the god's garden deep in the jungle. This resulted in the entire garden withering and dying.
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  • After the Storm: Adventurers tracked a pirate captain Stevie Plunder to a tavern called "Roc's Nest" located on one of the many islands. Despite being vastly outnumbered, they started a fight with the pirates. They were saved by a swashbuckler named Slippery Sophie, who in return asked them to help her overthrow Captain Plunder.
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  • Blood and Plunder: Alph Omeg and his crew joined forces with Slippery Sophie to take down her father, the nefarious pirate captain Stevie Plunder. After a naval battle and storming Plunder's fort they were victorious, and Sophie's father ended up being killed by Jaytowners.
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  • Ghosts of our Mistakes: The party ventured into the Islands to unravel the mistery of a Ghost Ship haunting the archipelago. They were ambushed by the undead and taken captive.
  • Environment:Coastal, Jungle
    Difficulty: Treacherous
    Status: 7/10
    Uncovered By: Alex (DM), Kai, Donvar, Thomas (aka Don Freeman), Tourmaline


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