{9,7} Xoden's Peaks Geographic Location in Jay's Pangaea | World Anvil

{9,7} Xoden's Peaks

Rengaurds Pursuit (The Paths We March) Quest Summary (1-2 sentences): After tracking down more leads on Lace's whereabouts the party of Malishi Aion and Aredhel continued north passing through the Iron leaf and coming into contact with its guardian and gaining visions not clear at the time. Traveling further they found a battlefield full of bodies from both sides and slayed Guyiun a champion of a drow matron mother and his seemingly ally.   Rengaurds Pursuit Quest Summary (1-2 sentences): A month after chasing a group of cultists through a snowy wasteland Aion and Malishi received a note stating that Roe a former scout that assisted them in these efforts followed up on a lead and headed north to find this new chunk of undiscovered land. With this information they went to the tavern to find a few others to join them in traveling out and investigating this land upon arriving they marked some places of interests and found a few strange individuals along with a possible lodging area.


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