The Church of Voxia Organization in Jaxxian Galaxy | World Anvil
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The Church of Voxia

In the darkness I venture forth to fight the evils and prove my worth. I am a candle against the night I go into Darkness so others may find my light.- Voxian Prayer


The church is led by a high priestess who presides over a council of priests. Each priest is in charge of a specific region of Voxia and below them are the pastors who lead individual churches. Worshippers from planets beside Voxia can also rise to be part of this council but they hold the title of Father or Mother as opposed to priest and have little to no control over Voxia related matters in the council.

Public Agenda

They goal of the Voxian Church is to combat darkness so that others may find the light in life. Darkness takes many forms such as literally monsters and the darkness of poverty and starvation. It is the church's main mission to combat these sorts of things throughout the galaxy.


The Church of Voxia became the dominant religion and government of Voxia in 1 AE after the spaceships from Salavaria arrived. However they have existed before that time in certain cities but in the panic of finding out aliens were real the church stepped up and brought order to chaos. Since then the Voxian Church has had a hand in most events in the Jaxxian Galaxy and were the other half of the Voxian-Salavarian Federation (VSF) that helped early colonization efforts across the galaxy.   The Voxian Church helped the Library of Lumenarres when the Hunters Guild vanished in 65 GA offering their own paladins to guard the steps to the jungle floor. Then 10 years later in 75 GA they were one of the planets who promoted the Galactic Council. The Voxian Church also helped build a shrine on Vernos after the planet was hit by a solar flare and killed all of the molefolk living on the surface. To this day the Vernosian Shrine of Remembrance is the only part of the surface a person can survive without a spacesuit. It was also the Voxian church that proposed the Venenzian peace treaty that ended the Citalian-Rashuldvian Civil War.

Mythology & Lore

The Voxian Church have played a major role throughout the galaxy and as such their religion has spread to every corner of it. The religion worships the a pantheon of gods known as The New Gods. These gods include Minos Minister of Law, Se Goddess of Love and Fertility, Ingersoll the Nature spirit, Harena Mistress of Magic, Grundyr Overseer of Change, and Tyran Lord of Balance. Tyran is the ultimate head deity in the Voxian Church but according to the faith his power over life and death was too much of a strain on him and he split into two deities Veros the lord of life and good and Urolog the lord of death and evil.   In accordance with the faith there are many preternatural forces in the universe such as life and death. Life then one day decided to use its power to create planets and galaxies then eventually 5 beings to tend to his creations. These 5 were Minos, Se, Ingersoll, Harena, and Grundyr. Eventually the 5 began to copulate and and create the minor gods who also copulated and so the first men were created to fill the planets. But things got a bit too full and death had to come into play. The first 5 and the minor gods while not immune to the power of death were spared due to the life force's persuasion. But normal man was not so privileged and death swept over the galaxy bringing everything back to balance.   Years later the life and death force decided they wanted to take part in this galaxy they had created. They decided to create a vessel that would share a portion of each others power and make a god that was the embodiment of themselves. So Tyran the Lord of Balance was created. His power was immense in comparison to the other gods and under his stewardship the galaxy knew true peace. But it was short lived as the strain of having two powerful forces contained in one vessel was two much and Tyran's mind split in two. His head cracked open and out spewed Urolog the lord of death and darkness. What remained of Tyran's mind was the good part, Veros. Veros disappeared into hiding after being bombarded by the evil known as Urolog within Tyrans mind for so long.   Urolog created the first demons and monsters to ravage the lands of man and slaughter all of the gods creations. Only through the combined effort of all 5 of the gods was Urolog driven back. Knowing that Urolog could not be killed the gods sacrificed their bodily forms to create the RedZone which now contains Urolog and all of his evils away from the galaxy.   Now the gods live on a different plane separate from the mortal one and Veros is still lost somewhere in the galaxy.

Divine Origins

The Church of Voxia began in pre-age of exploration times when the Holy Voxian texts were discovered etched into the walls of pre-historic caves. In fact the entire religion is built upon these carvings of men and women with these divine beings. As history and scientific study has progressed the faith has only seemed to grow stronger with each discovery.

Tenets of Faith

The Voxian Faith asks only for its followers to "combat darkness so others may find your light." This simple phrase has much deeper meanings naturally as the "darkness" could apply to any vice or evil such as monsters, poverty, or even the darkness within yourself. This is made easier with an entire history of people accomplishing such tasks. In a sense you find others light to fight your darkness and be the light for someone else.


Worship in the Voxian church is nothing out of the norm. Followers usually attach to one particular god or goddess and pray to them to help them find the light in their darkest days. The gods only wish to help the life they helped create and defend them from the darkness of Urolog.


Selfless giving tends to designate who gains priesthood and those with the most giving and brightest light amongst them is named the High Priestess. Men cannot fill this role as The Voxian Church is a matriarchal system. In rare circumstances the High Priestess is chosen at birth such as the current High Priestess Sandiva who bore the mark and light of Veros upon her birth.

Forward in the Darkness so you may find our light.

Founding Date
1 AE (Though it existed well before that)
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
The Voxian Church
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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