Nine Princes Organization in Jared's Invisible Sun Campaign | World Anvil

Nine Princes

The Nine Princes are an organization in name only. In reality they are a number of different groups, each under the control of a powerful hero of The War. The membership is as follows:
  The Blood Prince
The Dragon Princes
The Star Prince
The Shield Prince
The Prince of Forms
The Forever Prince
The Golden Prince
The Hidden Prince


There is no hierarchy amongst the Princes. Each is an incredibly powerful person in their own right, so none stand above the other. They are currently in detente with each other.

Public Agenda

Repairing Satyrine from the effects of The War and encouraging stability.


Nearly unlimited wealth and power. Each Prince is an example of the absolute height of what they do, and many of them ransacked the Suns after The War.
Illicit, Gang


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