Gwyn Character in Jared's Invisible Sun Campaign | World Anvil


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Composed entirely of ash with only the faintest glow of embers within

Body Features

Composed entirely of ash

Facial Features

Facial features are difficult to make out due to composition

Identifying Characteristics

Smell of smoke

Apparel & Accessories

Neat dress when required to leave home. Always carries a watch.

Mental characteristics



Mental Trauma

Traumatized due to mind control induced epistemological uncertainty

Intellectual Characteristics

Skilled engineer and maker

Morality & Philosophy



Mind control

Personality Characteristics



Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Quanta Dislikes: Qualia

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Religious Views


Social Aptitude

A bit nervous
Current Residence
Inside a fallen colossus
Dull embers
Short, neat, ash

A few kinds of masks

Gwyn makes the Mensis Cage: 1 gem + 232 crystal + 160 orbs Gwyn encounters some funky goblin things with masks. The goblins appear to be whatever is written on the masks. Gwyn swiped a mask. Gwyn is unable to recreate the mask. Gwyn used the Cage of Mensis to try and find a way to duplicate the masks. He found he would never be able to duplicate the masks so retains it inside his ephemera storage room.   In this time Gwyn goes to see Red Comet to learn how to better defend himself and his friend sin combat. He learns the secrets Lethal Lore and Permanent Ward, and the spell Lorica Squamata. With this new found vigor his forte develops as well. Gwyn learns Mystical Defense and Remarkable Skill.   1 Joy - Made Mensis Cage 1 Despair - Encountered mask goblins -5 Joy - Crux -5 Despair - Crux -2 Crux - Mystical Defense -3 Crux - Remarkable Skill -8 Acumen - Lorica Squamata -4 Acumen - Lethal Lore -6 Acumen - Permanent Ward   Totals -4 Joy -4 Despair -18 Acumen


Gwyn is asked to help his friends get information from a catatonic woman in a secure facility. He recommends the direct approach. When the first attempt fails the group agrees to go with a raid. Gwyn provides offensive and defensive epehemera, provides covering fire, and draws attention. He bears witness to a vision of unknown origins. A burning doppler of Gwyn emerges from the sky and draws a black, rune covered blade from the side of a building. Gwyn freezes. Simone covers for Gwyn by sinking a group of orderlies into the ground. Locke extracts the target and the group retreats to Gwyn's lab. Several methods are attempted to heal the target or discover a method to heal her. Gwyn uses the Cage of Mensis and discovers there is no cure. She is a time bomb. The party decides to kill her to prevent further harm. Gwyn chops her up for parts.   1 Despair - Vision 1 Despair - Euthanasia 1 Acumen - Partially successful session

Bad vibes

Gwyn tagged along to go follow up a lead. He didn't understand the lead or why the others were there, he understood he was there to watch out for them. When the residence proved cursed Gwyn used an object of power to remove the curse. Later, in tracking down another lead Gwyn is mentally assaulted by a clock and forced to flee. He's quite upset about this.   2 Acumen - Fixing spidering curse 1 Acumen - Party killed clock monter 1 Acumen - Successful session 1 Despair - Mind control effect

Gearing for war

Month 1: Income: 120 crystal orbs (basic) Expenses: 92 crystal orbs (heal bullet parts) Net: 28 crystal orbs Actions: Maker rank 3?   Month 2: Income: 120 crystal orbs (basic) + 33 gem orbs (hate cyst) Expenses: 92 crystal orbs (heal bullet parts) Net: 28 crystal orbs + 33 gem orbs + 1 heal bullet +5 acumen + 1 joy Actions: craft two heal bullets (10 days) + clear hate cyst (1 day) (Aid a Friend)   Month 3: Income: 120 crystal orbs (basic) + 3 magecoins (Locke) + 2 gem orbs (Locke) Expenses: 2 gem orbs (brawler's jacket) + 3 magecoins (diamond sortir) + 20.5 gem orbs (kindled items) + 7 gem orbs (car) Net: 120 crystal orbs -27.5 gem orbs Actions: Makes brawler's jacket (Locke), diamond sortir (Locke), naginata (Locke), manrikikusari (Locke), Armoring Shell x4, Burn Blood, Combat Bolus, Slickslips (5 gem orbs), Magma Cloak (4 gem orbs), Spiderweb Gloves (5 gem orbs), Dravan Hat (5 gem orbs), Spidersilk Suit (1.5 gem orbs), car (7 gem orbs)   -Derran of Pneuma- puts in an order for <kindled item>   Total net: 176 crystal orbs + 5.5 gem orbs   Skills learned: Tailoring -1 Woodworking -1 Glass -1 Ceramics -1 Alchemy -1

What a party

Gwyn gets to do some cool cowboy shit but otherwise spends the party reading by himself   2 acumen (dealing with Parris) 1 crux (session) 1 joy (coolness) 1 despair (slenderman) 1 despair (Iron maiden gets stolen)

Cleaning House (Downtime Four)

Gwyn spends his time building a small obelisk that fixes the symbolic to the literal. He uses it to turn the spidering curse into a physical spider. Gwyn takes this opportunity to clean and repair his home (Build arc), and to prepare his workspace for coming endeavors. During this time he develops the ability to expend more effort (expansive endeavor) and carry more objects of power (magical management).   BUILD You are going to build a physical structure—a house, a fortress, a workshop, a defensive wall, and so on. This arc would also cover renovating an existing structure or substantially adding to one. Of course, this doesn’t have to be physical construction. You might build it with spells or other magic, or this might be an arc to create a magical structure in a distant, mystical half-world. Cost: The Idea. You pay a cost of 1 Acumen. Opening: Make a Plan. 1 Acumen reward. This almost certainly involves literally drawing up blueprints or plans. Step(s): Find a Site. 1 Acumen reward. This might be extremely straightforward—a simple examination of the site—or it might be an entire exploratory adventure. (If the latter, it might involve multiple such steps.) Step(s): Gather Materials. 1 Acumen reward. Depending on what you are building and what it is made out of, this could involve multiple steps. There probably are substantial costs involved as well. Step(s): Construction. 1 Acumen reward. Depending on what you are building, this could involve multiple steps. It might also take a considerable amount of time and work. Climax: Completion. 3 Acumen reward. The structure is finished. A successful construction results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair. Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You put the structure to its desired use and see if it holds up.

Session 4

Gwyn did not like seeing the Lacunae changed without consent. He blames himself and his lack of both power and action. He dedicates himself to gaining more power to have greater control over his surroundings.

Downtime Three

Gwyn puts the word out with his fellow Makers that he's looking for research material related to the Black Cube. He spends a couple of afternoons reading books loaned to him by his peers.   Gwyn spends the majority of two months banging out various magical implements and flipping them for magecoins. He earns five magecoins in this way.   Gwyn spends a magecoin to hire an imp for a year and a day. The imp resides in Gwyn's home and uses a hammer to beat any spiders it sees. This does not solve the problem but it makes Gwyn feel better. If a curse can be taught a lesson Gwyn will gladly be the instructor.   Gwyn enlists the aid of Fynlan, Locke, and Simone in assisting the Lacunae Union. Began the following character arcs:   RESCUE Someone or something of great importance has been taken, and you want to get them back. Cost: Debtor. You pay 2 Acumen. Opening: Heeding the Call. 1 Acumen reward. You determine what has happened, and who or what is missing. Step: Tracking. 1 Acumen reward. You discover who has taken them, and where. Step: Travel. 1 Acumen reward. You go to where they are being held and get information on the location and who is involved. Maybe make a plan. Climax: Rescue Operation. 3 Acumen reward. You go in and get them. A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair. Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. You return them home.   SOLVE A MYSTERY Different from the Learn arc and the Uncover a Secret arc, this arc is about solving a crime or a similar action committed in the fairly recent past. It’s not about practice or study, but about questions and answers. In theory, the mystery doesn’t have to be a crime. It might be “Why is this strange caustic substance leaking into my basement?” Cost: On the Case. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen. Opening: Pledging to Solve the Mystery. 1 Acumen reward. Step: Research. 1 Acumen reward. You get some background. Step(s): Investigation. 1 Acumen reward. You ask questions. You look for clues. You cast divinations. This likely encompasses many such steps. Climax: Discovery. 2 Acumen reward. You come upon what you believe to be the solution to the mystery. A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair. Resolution: 2 Acumen reward. In this step, which is far more active than most resolutions, you confront the people involved in the mystery with what you’ve discovered, or you use the information in some way (such as taking it to the proper authorities).   Net gain/loss: -4 acumen +4 magecoins +1 hidden knowledge

Session Three

Gwyn didn't care for seeing Locke torn to shreds by the Shias Labeouf. He decides to focus his energies on defense rather than offense. He'd much rather remove a problem than negate it but that isn't always an option. In the moment of the battle he was frustrated with his difficulty piercing Shia Prime's defenses but he feels that protecting others is more important than developing the power to overcome defenses.

Downtime Two

Gwyn built an iron maiden that identifies magical effects by damaging the user. Iron Maiden Level 7 Ephemera Inflicts one wound to user to identify magical effects   Gwyn also visited the Lacunae Union and met the Star Prince.   Began the following character arcs: ASSIST AN ORGANIZATION (Lacunae Union) You set out to accomplish something that will further an organization. You’re probably allied with them or they are rewarding you for your help in some fashion. Cost: Saying Yes. You pay a cost of 2 Acumen. (Paid) Opening: Responding to the Call. 1 Acumen reward. You work out all the details of what’s expected of you, and what rewards (if any) you might get. You also get the specifics of what’s required to join and advance. (Received) Step: Sizing up the Task. 2 Acumen reward. This requires some action. A reconnaissance mission. An investigation. Step(s): Undertaking the Task. 2 Acumen reward. Because this arc can vary so widely based on the task involved, there might be multiple steps like this one. Climax: Completing the Task. 3 Acumen reward. A successful resolution results in 1 Joy. Failure results in 1 Despair. Resolution: 1 Acumen reward. Collecting your reward (if any) and conferring with the people in the organization that you spoke to. Perhaps getting access to higher-ranking people in the organization. You can choose to have your connection to the organization increase by 1 level rather than take the Acumen reward.

Downtime One

Gwyn goes home and spends a month building a magic brass eyeball to analyze the suffering engine. He sneaks back into the hate cyst with Locke and analyzes the suffering engine. Gwyn goes to the Order of Makers and surrenders the brass eye, it having served its purpose already.

Fun With Friends

Trained in withstand, stealth, and investigation Trained Leopold Mentored his apprentice in the creation of a daetha blade (Unknown to Gwyn) Thinny gets bigger

A Man Of Wealth And Taste

Gwyn spends some time learning the invocations necessary to progress in standing with the Makers. During this time he also sends word that he is ready to move forward and requests the attendance of the required officials. During his exhibition the mensis cage is destroyed, tearing a rift between Gwyn's home and the place of the Enemy. A dapper and genteel being of solidified darkness emerged from the rift and introduced itself as Mr Agon. Mr Agon then departed and the rift mostly sealed over. The barrier between Satyrine and the Enemy's place is still quite thin in Gwyn's home. The assembled Makers induct Gwyn into the fourth rank of Makers and depart though many are suspicious as to the nature of what had occurred.   In response to this threat Gwyn reforges his gun. Lighter, more accurate, and able to grant a degree of protection. He names this new firearm Fragarach.   Well armed, Gwyn sets off to follow through on his offer to find housing for the Lacunae. He seeks local authorities to acquire land legally but is stymied due to prejudice against Lacunae. Gwyn is undeterred.   Gwyn begins research into repairing the damage to reality in his home.   Gwyn receives a letter from Callahan of the Order of the Vances seeking help in protecting his associate Wystrin from a malevolent shade named Molich. Gwyn shares this information with the rest of the party.   -9 acumen -4 crux -cost of 4 level 6 ephemera for gun upgrades

He Who Makes A Beast Of Himself, Gets Rid Of The Pain Of Being A Man

Gwyn and the Scooby Gang mug their way into a drug den looking for Steve Urqel. Gwyn gets stoned as cover for the others, who immediately blow their cover. A fight breaks out in which Gwyn accomplishes little. Gwyn takes the time to execute some helpless Vugs before the gang takes Steve home. Gwyn spots a jacket he likes.   1 joy 1 despair 7 acumen

Spurs That Pringle Mingle Dangle

Looking for some dweeb named Steve Urqel, Locke and Gwyn murder a dude made of money cancer   1 injury 1 despair 2 acumen (arcs)

Putting in the Work

Gwyn sets to work improving his shop through the addition of a Conceptual Forge. He decides to capitalize on this new addition but turning the remains of the evil clock into a Momentary Dynamo, a gun which fires leaves. Thus armed, he sets out to inflict his will upon his world.   He begins three investigations: the mysteries of the masked creatures, his upsetting vision, and the odd changes to his body. He pursues the masked creatures by sending word to the Order of Makers. He investigates the changes to his body by contacting local Changeries. He investigates his vision through the Mensis Cage.   He contacts Red Comet in an attempt to build a relationship with the war god. He is sent into battle to prove his mettle and triumphs, at the cost of 1 Anguish.   Conceptual Forge Momentary Dynamo   Combat side quest 1 Anguish

Fucking Cowboy

Gwyn face tanked a big snake   1 level 5 ingredient 7 acumen 1 joy 1 despair
Character Portrait image: by Steven Purifoy


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