Xachiwe Species in Ivryia | World Anvil
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The xachiwe are large canine-like semi-aquatic animals that reside the Dawnfoneywa Lake, Castfallver River, and the Northern coast of the Diarchy of Kindland.

Basic Information


Xachiwe are quite large, as they are semi-aquatic. They have quite a large main body; an abundance of limbs, a total of 8, with 6 legs and 2 arm-like limbs on their back; a large, muscle-bound tail to help with propulsion through the water; the limbs and tail have fins/webbing to aid in swiming; a dorsal fin. Their head resembles that of a dog, as well has the leg like limbs having paws. The dorsal limbs end in a singular claw, similar to a dew claw.

Ecology and Habitats

Dawnfoneywa lake, Castfallver River, and the northern coast of the Diarchy of Kinland.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are entirely carnivorus creatures. They mostly stick to fish of various sizes, occasionally they will eat smaller coastal creatures. Unfortunately, when they are experiencing extreme hunger, they will attempt to attack and eat humanoids. With more emphasis being placed on children or smaller individuals, but will go after larger people if there are no other options.

Biological Cycle

Juvenile: birth to 5 - 8 years of age. Adolescent: 5 - 8 to 10 - 15.
  • Female members reach sexual maturity between the ages of 5 - 10 years of age. Male members reach sexual maturity between the ages of 8 - 15 years of age.
Adult: 10 - 15 to death

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have an exceptional sense of taste, being able to find bleeding prey in the waters in which they reside. They have a stronger sense of smell than the average person, though they do rely on the flehmen response to smell in air.
The flehmen response is the cat stinky face.
20 - 22 years
Conservation Status
There is not a large population of this species in the wild. However, this does not mean that they are endangered, as they have a sustainable population.
Average Height
16 - 22 inches
Average Weight
180 - 330 pounds
Average Length
6 - 13 feet


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