The Sylen New Year Tradition / Ritual in Ivryia | World Anvil
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The Sylen New Year

The Sylen new year takes place at the summer solstice, rather than during the winter solstice like in the majority of Ivryia.


The tradition of celebrating the new year during the summer solstice is an ancient practice for the Syle communities across Ny'thelynn. Due to the nation's proximity to the equator, there is little to differentiate the seasons beyond increased preceptitation as well as the length of time that the sun remains in the sky. As the Sylen beliefs began to dwindle with the spread of Ni'larri non-belief in Ny'thelynn pushing it to the outskirts of the nation, the holiday became a simple celebration of the new year instead of an event that honored the blessings and losses of the past year and looking forward to the gifts they would receive the new year.


In the current era, those that celebrate the new year participate in community events that share harvests, crafts and creations, and many more works of skill. In more populated areas like Syenor, it is large festival that lasts days where visitors can enjoy traditional cultural foods, treats, games, and more. The children typically can be seen playing games or making decorated accoutrements in the summery spirit. Children are the only ones decorating however, as it is encouraged for anyone and everyone to join in creating murals or small paintings with traditional paints during the festival. Other crafts include using flowers to decorate or create accessories, creating banners and flags to be hung around to contribute to the communities decorations, and much more. A more traditonal craft is weaving baskets that will be used for the harvests to come. This harks back to how older generations would celebrate the new year's significance on honoring and inviting bountiful harvests to come.

Components and tools

Thee food shared during the new year is typically a traditonal recipe, with some making their own takes on cultural dishes with influences from other places across Ivryia. There is typically sweet wines and liquors shared to everyone - with children being given very watered down cups as a holiday treat. One of the favored parts of this festival by children and adults alike is the various amounts of sweets that are sold on carts for everyone to enjoy.


The new year occurs each year in Sylen communities during the summer solstice. While the majority of Ivryia celebrates the new year during the winter solstice, with some smaller communities potentially celebrating during the spring equinox, the Sylen culture sees the sun reaching its apex as it finishing its journey around the world and being reborn as the longest day of the year ends.


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