Ivieru Ivieru's Timeline Timeline
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Ivieru's Timeline

  • 4000000


    Evolution of Runeys
    Geological / environmental event

    Runeys evolved to associate with aspects of nature. They use a photosynthesis-like method of getting food and expel a gas into the air at a much higher quantity than previously seen. Many creatures convert this in their bodies as magic when breathed in. This fundamentally changed life on the planet and how animals interacted, evolved and shaped the world.

  • 3500000


    Crisis of Creatures

    With the rise of magic in the world came new species to utilize it. Many, however, were unable to deal with the new energy in the air. For some, it was like poison, while others were incapable of handling it. Many creatures died.

  • 3400000

    Evolution of Hexafaerinidae
    Geological / environmental event

    Homo Hexafaerinidae is an infragenera and a turning away from the trend of it's cousin groups of Fae to a more corporeal form. Unlike the shikigami, which range from energy-based or connected to plant-life; or the spirits that are somewhere in between, hexafaerinidae are completely corporeal, and start forming relationships and bonds with other magical beings to strengthen and diversify their own magic.

  • 200000

    Humans Migrate out of Lyria First Wave
    Population Migration / Travel

    With a brief warming period, much of the snow and ice melted around the world. Humans spread out of their Lyrian cradle, following land bridges.

  • 150000

    Evolution of Merfolk
    Cultural event

    Arragouset, Samebito, Merrow, Mermaids and Selkies begin to diverge around this time as well as Naiads, Dryads and Hamadryads.

  • 130000


    Human Migration Out of Lyria Second Wave
    Population Migration / Travel

    The second wave saw true humans migrating out of Lyria across the land bridge and into the southern continent below. With the final warming period that saw the ice age retreat into a more permanent warming period, there was once again opportunity to explore beyond their warm little cradle within the frosty mountains.

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  • 60000


    Human Migration Out of Lyria Third Wave
    Population Migration / Travel

    The third wave out of Lyria came with modern witches. Iincubating and living in a magic-rich environment like Lyria, witches have become very adept at using magic. Unlike Deus, Praecantrix aren't specialized, and few get as devastatingly powerful for it. With so many other groups of humans and Fae already out in the world, their seeding of the rest of the world was slower.

  • 12679


    Migration to Mimmiri 1
    Population Migration / Travel

    Two land bridges allowed migration from the continent over to an Island chain.

  • 8260


    War of the Twelve Gods
    Political event

    A war for control over the land that would eventually become Whinahin by twelve races of Fae.

  • 8206

    Birth of Ärora
    Life, Birth

    Ärora was born in a small country called Kintaharo. It was a semi-migratory land that followed the path of the birds.

  • 8187

    Flooding of Ivieru
    Geological / environmental event

    Mermaids use their developed magic to melt the massive glaciers. Global water is raised by 50 meters.

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  • 8186

    Crystal Creation
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Using millions of runeys, Ärora developed the first rune crystals. Each representing a different element of life, metals, weather, senses, etc. With this, she ends the War of the Twelve Gods.

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  • 8186

    Founding of Whinahin

    With the War of the Twelve Gods over, the Whinahin Chimera are agreed to rule the land. Whinahin is founded as a guardianship to house the primal rune crystals. Strict rules are made on when stronger magic than normal should be used, and when it is appropriate to use the primal rune crystals.

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  • 8184

    Dimensional Travel Invented
    Scientific achievement

    Ärora invents portal travel, 'taming' rogue portals that occasionally appear in the world. By being able to summon these portals, one can travel not only across Ivieru, but to other realities entirely. This magic is protected by Whinahin and can only be used by whinahin chimera and those authorized by them.

  • 2891

    Birth of Idyssa
    Life, Birth

    The first known, proven birth of a person with Ärora's soul. If she survives until adulthood, Idyssa will grow into a powerful witch, stronger than Ärora and may be able to rectify the mistakes of the past.

  • 2890


    War of the Nine Guardians
    Military action

    Nine witches are selected from around the world to guard Idyssa and make sure she reaches adulthood. However, there are forces out there who view it beneficial to kill the child, either because it would benefit their masters, or cause suffering and thus benefit themselves.

  • 0


    Invasion of Norrain
    Political event

    Humans of Norrain invade Lyria's shores. Battles ensue to keep the invaders from settling.

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  • 125

    Prince Edward's Death
    Life, Death

    After the brothers were imprisoned, they vowed to escape, gather supporters, and take the throne back from their brother. However, in the cold, drafty tower, Edward became ill, eventually succumbing to his sickness and died. Richard was left all alone.

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  • 185

    Osðryd is Born
    Life, Birth

    Osðryd is born. Around this time, most witches, under the influence of the selic Rionne, Osðryd was no longer looked to as a descendant of Richard. Her children weren't paid attention to by sympathetic hopefuls that one day the descendant of Richard would rise up. Though there were still those who believed in the old ways. They knew of her son, Wicctred and could see him as a proper heir despite his link through a woman.

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  • 375

    Ferelith born

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  • 400

    Wicca is Born
    Life, Birth

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  • 482

    Lyria is fully integrated into Rionne's Empire

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  • 3200

    Sorrow grows dangerously strong

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