The Crescent Carving Myth in Ivaenni | World Anvil

The Crescent Carving

Evanthia Thanalli was an Avariel like any other, diligent and dedicated. As any avariel, she studied both paths before choosing to pursue the path of the warrior more deeply. She did well for herself, an excellent warrior, though didn't stand out among her fellows. Still, she was chosen to join the Crimson Flyers from the Teeths Bowl crop, and left to their base to train with them. She did struggle at first, unused to the even more rigorous training that the Crimson Flyers parttook in each day. However, she remained steadfast and was known for never giving up.
This was the times when the dragons pursued elves, the alvariel in particular for their ability of flight and special brand of magic. As such, Evanthia was called to battle against dragons on multiple occasions. Though there were several times where it seemed she would not make it through the battle alive, she did.   Then came the day when she came to know that the dragons were assaulting Teeths Bowl, and she pleaded to be allowed to join the troop that was sent there. After much arguing, she was finally given permission, and she flew with great haste to her village. There, she faced chaos. The destruction was severe, the death plentiful. The warriors sent to Teeths Bowl discovered the vile and terrible gold dragon Agnenthork beseiging the village.   The Crimson Flyers sent to aid the village fared little better than the Teeths Bowls own warriors had, initially, though gradually they chipped away at Agnenthoks scales. It seemed the foul beast would prevail, with all but three Crimson Flyers slayn.   Evanthia clasped her spear in her hand, and as she stood, wings splayed, sparkling with falling paint like a rain of tiny gold and rubies, there was a powerful determination in her eyes unlike none her comrades from the Crimson Flyers had seen her wear before. With a mighty roar, she charged the startled dragon, charging magic in her grasp and, unafraid, faced the dragons flaming breath   They met at the highest peak, and there, a mighty explosion erupted. It resounded great distances, knocking anyone within too near a distance unconscious. Some were even struck deaf from the noise. Buildings were knocked down.   Upon awakening, the villagers and Crimson Flyers still alive searched far and wide, yet they were unable to fine a single trace of either Evanthia, or the terrible foe that she had battled.
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