Novaria Settlement in Ivaenlis of the Broken Triad | World Anvil
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The proud capital of the Askhen Confederation lies at the center of a field of golden cereals, beneath a floating golden island who sheds its light upon the metropolis.


Although most of the city lies unprotected, the Inner Circle is guarded by tall, imposing, pear-like walls, defending Bastion. Additionally, the city's seat of power, the Gold Inlet, is a difficult target to assault, as it floats several hundred meters above the city.

Guilds and Factions

Several of the major religions in Aetheos have a big presence within the city, many constructing large, wonder-like monuments to show their glory. In addition, several mercenary groups, scholars or even magicians make Novaria their home.
Alternative Name(s)
Bastion of Faith, Glittering City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Reports (Primary)

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