The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Twenty-nine Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Twenty-nine

General Summary

The party enter the herb garden discovering two large and aggressive devil vine, a photosensitive plant that is used in the creation of Black hydra poison. In the room they also found a  haunthera cactus, in a dormant state. After deciding to try and collect the plants later the party once again focused on the door with the arcane circle on it.    Rhy hypothesized the door responded to faces, and the party try various appearances using illusions to try and open the door. Upon showing the form of Arthwurp the door unlocked but 5 large bolts launched out and rhy managed to dodge some but still was significantly injured. Behind the door was Arthwurp's panic room, their corpse still sitting gripped in fear resting in a throne safe from the ballista aimed at the door.   From there the party traveled across the house and discovered a damaged wall connect to the slime room Rhy had seen. Rhy broke the wall and a yellow and black slime emerged from the opening. after defeating them and exploring the room they moved on to Oup'tat's torture chamber. The party studied the room and found the iron maiden to be connected to the vault. Rhy got in and began to have her blood drained. she fell unconscious just after revealing another silver rod. After Lee freed her and Ranrus healed her there began gathering ooze remains and fill the parties water skins. they managed to get the vault open completely and gathered the gold and potions in the two additional compartments.   The party decided to take a long rest in the panic room. They identified the variety of magic item and potions they had found in the mansion thus far.   Date: 8th and 9th of Gorim

Rewards Granted

3x Potions of Watchful Rest, 1x Potion of Speed, Oup'tat's journal, Oup'tat's Basement key.   Identified: Blood Conjuration spell book, 1x potion of Animal Friendship, 1x Potion of Comprehension, Lestria's Basement Key
Report Date
30 Jun 2020


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