The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Twenty-five Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Twenty-five

General Summary

The party started to work their way around the second floor counter clockwise from Bit'tun's Bedroom. The first room they checked was a bathroom, with ice emerging from the tap. After that they found the balcony. Rhy took a look at a dark mark on the stone tile of the balcony. Noting it was strangely warm she returned to examine the bathroom. Soon after Theren was captured in a web and drawn into the shadows above the balcony. The party engaged a mechanical spider that had taken Theren captive and paralyzed them. Eventually the spider came into range and Rhy summoned an immense amount of her holy power and smited the construct. Lee attempted to recover Theren and with a little luck and Ranrus aiding in catching them both, they all survived the fall virtually unscathed. Theren healed up with a potion before they discovered another bathroom and a bedroom with two ghosts in it. The male ghost possessed Lee and forced the party to knock him unconscious. They did manage to do away with them nonetheless. Next they went to Hummel's bedroom, as explained by Bit'tun, where they discovered broken and bloody mirrors, destroyed clothes and furniture, and notes that, once translated, showed obvious signs of madness. They also found a note book seemingly keeping a feeding record of some sort of pets. The next room they approached launched a lightning bolt severely hurting Ranrus and Lee. Once inside the party examined a large coil inside a glass tube. The coil lined up with the strange pillar on the previous floor and when Theren touched it filled them with a sudden burst of energy.   The party also noticed in detail two of the portraits hanging on the walls around spiral staircase. One seemingly of the twins, while they were alive, the portrait seeming to portray them uncomfortably close. In front of the portrait on a small table was a vase with a red club on it. The other portati was a handsome male dwarf flanked by two beautiful and provocatively clothed elves. in front of that portrait was a vase with a red diamond on it. The party prepared to enter the last room where Theren had identified conjuration magic.   Date: 8th of Gorim

Rewards Granted

A feeding journal, leather strappings (in lee's possession), 6 viles of spider poison

Character(s) interacted with

Bit'tun Snowbreaker
Report Date
11 Jun 2020


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