The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-seven Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-seven

General Summary

The party started their battle with Josoph who was quickly cornered and overwhelmed. As Rhy's guardian struck him down she heard a voice ask her for his blood. While the party began to debate whether to save him, Theren killed him. Lee discovered a tattoo on Josoph's right forearm when searching the body, as well as two potions, gold, and silver. The party investigated the voice in Rhy's head, getting the feeling the voice was the gross hall. After much debate the voice began moving between party members. It bestowed knowledge on how to fix the magic circle Rhy had damaged. Ranrus identified it as a Tamit Circle with the singular purpose of destroying bone in a body and merging the remaining flesh and etc into one "thing". The party eventually moved toward leaving, though they were still unclear what to do with the body of the humanoid hunting murderer who invited them to try and kill him in a city who's laws seem mostly enforced by the will of a council of capitalists and organizations that manage a bloodsport. They continued working through how to handle Josoph discussing who they needed to tell about their self described crime.   After emerging from the hunting ground sewer exit near a set of ditches the party split up. Rhy went to tell the tiefling woman about Josoph's death, and Lee and Theren went to see Di. Theren told Lee about Di's true identity(Disiga, the frozen twin, an ancient white dragon, the "elf" with a mouth that could swallow the party whole). They arrived at The Roar in the Storm giving Di the sword of the Eternal Hunter which he took in hands, twisting and squeezing until it cracked, he released his grip and without the tension the pieces clattered onto the counter top. they agreed to wait for their reward based on something Di might find more useful for them. He also offered them to go hunting the bellower they had already agreed to assist Oula nad Auna with. He suggested making it a competition. He also informed them he knew about their issues with Phoenix Arcania House and had spoken on their behalf with Arthur Phoenix-Heart. Though Di suggested they return the feathers in someway, which led to a somewhat of a frame job with leaving the feathers on Josoph's body.   Rhy arrived at Roberts Manor where she met the tiefling again. The tirefling was a bit confused but also seemed aware of Josoph's hunts. She was elated hearing about the death of Josoph, her husband, and then implied to Rhy her own nature as a hunter of people. Rhy did not accept her advances. She returned to the group with the body.   Lee revealed Di was a dragon and the party left Josoph's body with the feathers in a functioning bag of holding to be found at some point. The party, some strung out a little more then others, returned to The Betting Poole . Ranrus went to see Nher Dest about sithala potions before joining the others.

Rewards Granted

Gold, vicious dagger, 2x potion of invulnerability, one item from Di in the future, three sithala blooms in a jar.

Missions/Quests Completed

Kill the hunter, Collect the blade.

Character(s) interacted with

Josoph,Di, Nher Dest, A seductive Tiefling
Report Date
06 Oct 2020


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