The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-four Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Forty-four

General Summary

The party decided they would attend the Champion crowning match in the evening. Lee and Theren secretly planned to leave during the fights to go steal brass feathers from Phoenix Arcania house. The party met up with Oula and Auna and watched the start of the tournament to determine the new Champion. Lee snuck away during the first round while Theren convinced Ranrus to keep tabs on Oula. Rhy was distracted by Auna. Theren used needing to use the washroom as an excuse to leave and they and Lee made their way to Phoenix Arcania House. Lee investigated going in through a window but luckily noticed an arcane rune before popping it open. Theren Disguised themselves as Phoenix-Shin and turned Lee invisible. The two quickly made it through the foyer, and found the Phoenix Temple. The room Theren had seen the feathers in was a massive hall with two stairs descending. Below the line of sight was a large alter, and resting in it like a giant stone nest was a giant fiery molten egg. Sitting on the altar alone and brooding figure in black and amber leather armor. Theren, still disguised, tried to distract them but they were very suspicious and on guard. Lee managed to sneak by and placed three of the huge feathers into the bag of holding. As Lee tried to sneak out the brooding guard saw him and called him out. Lee tried to trick the figure into thinking they were from Eternal Damnation House and had come to recruit them. Unfortunately the guard suspicious of the fact that Theren and Lee even knew he existed and eventually decided Theren and Lee had seen the egg and had to die. They started fighting, and while Lee and Theren tried to leave peacefully the guard clearly had orders to kill anyone who saw the egg. Theren managed to turn Lee invisible with a kiss and blinked themselves into the ethereal plane, both, for a moment, escaped the brooding guards view. Lee took a swing at him as he rushed past giving chase to the unseen pair. After some more sneakiness Lee made it out and Theren nearly broke their legs blinking over the stair railing but as the guard, supposedly the son of the egg, began to follow down the stairs, Lee shot an arcane bolt from his bracers knocking him out. Two members of Arcania house sitting in the foyer rushed to his aid. Theren and Lee escaped.   Back at the arena during the first round, Rhy and Ranrus saw a familiar face, Silvas Brightlight, the barbarian member of the Myth Breakers. At the end of the second round Rhy and Ranrus realized Lee and Theren were missing and had not returned, leaving them both to try to figure out what chaos they were up to. After a little back and forth, Auna noticed their concern and apologized for not mentioning their disappearance. She assumed they were just up to some nonsense because it was a new moon, Lee being a "worshiper" of Spearadear (as far as she knew). At the start of the semi finals she convinced her sister to go looking for and help Lee and Theren, under the pretext they were getting into a fight. After she left Auna kissed Rhy and planeshifted her away. Ranrus was left by himself to watch the rest of the gladiatorial series Champion deciding tournament, the final was between Arthur Phoenix-Heart and Silvas. Arthur eventually won by glassing the arena with fire balls.   Oula did eventually find Theren and Lee and was very annoyed to learn the fighting had already happened. On the way back to the the arena she fought several individuals who just bumped into her. Once the trio arrived, they ran into Ranrus who explained Rhy and Auna had disappeared after kissing. Oula was blindsided, completely unaware of the growing relationship between the two. Though she immediately became very protective of Rhy. Frustrated by it all Oula pressured the group into going to get a drink.   Rhy and Auna finished planeshifting appearing on a grassy cliff surrounded by clouds. AUna explained this was the plain her people migrated from and that when Moonfolk migrated they named their new home after something from their last plane. Something began to move in the clouds and suddenly a giant blue and white bird breached the clouds into the sunlit sky. Several other flew out and Auna explained why she brought Rhy and hoped it wasn't to much. Auna and Rhy sat on the edge of the cliff and watched the birds fly and dance. After some time as the sun began to set the birds descended below the clouds. As the moon rose Auna went and performed a quite ritual to recharge her planeshifting, letting Rhy know they could go back now... if she wanted. Rhy kissed her and the scar on her face began to glow, radiant energy pouring out. Despite the glow the world faded to black.   Date: 15th of Gorim
Report Date
16 Sep 2020


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