The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty

General Summary

The party worked to put out the fires and recovered the two Drow. Lee looted their unconscious bodies while Rhy and Ranrus continued to work on the fire when there was the appearance of three strange humanoid creatures, Ooglings. They created a fire line out of trees and eventually approached the group. Rhy engaged them and learn they lived nearby and that the largest one referred to themselves as a Noble Oogling. They had been entertained for sometime by the drow, and there taming of the bellower.   The party looted the drows tent. After discovering the talisman required attunement by someone dominated by a mindflayer, Rhy brought them back to consciousness, realizing they may of been acting against their will. After talking with them the party learned the "false" queen was Telanna and that she had been exiled for not being a true heir to the throne. She had return with help from the surface and managed to take back her throne, exiling all those who didn't except her. Many of whom had joined the mindflayers according to the two drow.   Upon discovering the reason they were against Telanna as queen, the party's opinion turned and realizing this, the drow made one last ditch effort to escape. Ranrus cast wall fire and finished the drow siblings.   The party gathered the hides and got in their voluptuous bird to head back to Snowbright. Rhy and Lee discussed their newly discovered lineage and what to do next. Also, the nature of moonfolk rarely being monogamous.   Lee agreed to fight Oula. The fight started fast and ended faster. Lee sat down with Oula after and began the process of trying to help her figure out her feelings and finding a healthier way to live her love life.   Ranrus and Rhy had a conversation about morality and the philosophy oh how to deal with evil in the world. Ranrus on the side the sicknesses needed to be cut away and the Rhy of the belief everyone needed a chance to grow better.   Date: 17th of Gorim
Report Date
27 Oct 2020


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