The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty-five Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Fifty-five

General Summary

The party arrived in Greytide. They went straight to looking for a ship. Rhy approached a Moonfolk, a Werebear, and a Half-Orc. Rhy was very flirty with the Moonfolk who missed her seemingly inebriated state. After Rhy was frustrated at the Moonfolk not taking her up on her forwardness, she rushed off looking for a ship. The rest of the party talked to the Werebear, Peter Goodwhistle. The party was informed of three ships in port that take passengers.   The Maiden's kiss- a brothel ship   The Gold Favour- a ship with an interesting crew   A Copper Jaw ship- a ship owned By Copperjaw, who they are told is not necessarily the most trustworthy, nor are his captains.   Peter went onto explain that rock ships, ships the rest mostly under water that fire giants used to harass ships on the west coast of Nowch, were causing most ships to stay in port. Peter bid them adieu and revealed himself to actually be a Gnome, who worked on/for the Whaler's Eye, before leaving them to figure things out.   Rhy found her way to the docks and met Mr. Hornhard, a Halfling man who runs the docks. After a brief discussion, Rhy headed through and found her way to the Maiden's Kiss where she met Lady Sylva Strongarm, a half-orc woman who encouraged her to take a well needed nap.    The rest of the party eventually followed and after a similar discussion with Mr. Hornhard they also went to the Maiden's Kiss. Lee found an old colleague in Wilson Feather, a dark olive skin Human man with short tight curled blonde hair. He took them up to the top deck to see Rhy and Lady Strongarm. Lee stayed with her while the others went to check out the Gold Favour, the ship that seemed most likely to take them in a reasonable timeframe. Lee while taking care of sister checked her progress on the tome of the Jester. He saw in the text from Aullen Grove a book mark that wasn't there before. Looking at it, it marked the last page in the text with any writing, a half written hymn. The book mark was not a book mark but another tarot card.   Ranrus and Theren met Gronco Stronjynn, the Half-Orc first mate of the Gold Favour. He was very formal and tried to avoid being rude, he seemed apprehensive about offering to take them, but informed the two the captain could decide and that he would likely be back in the evening. Ranrus asked if could wait and see the cannon's both of which were turned down until he mentioned form being from another plane, at which time Gronco allowed him on bored to take a look. The crew on deck seemed normal outside a flumph that was angrily chasing around two young crew members. After and inspection Gronco did take them off the ship before an large booming sound came from below deck.   Theren and Ranrus returned to the Maidens Kiss and the party discussed the day while they waited for Rhy to awaken. Around 5:30 she woke and the party went to get food at the Brine Barrel, where they were invited to visit by both Peter and Wilson. Rhy found an empty table in a corner and set to reading and ordered a meal, Ranrus joined her. Lee found Wilson and started to properly catch up. He was eventually interrupted by a woman, Cassiopia Darkheart, who very convincingly claimed to be Gold Favours first mate. She went far out of her way to say the phrase "do you need a favour?" and mentioned her captain, the Wand Slinger, and his achievements at every possible moment. Lee took her to the party who questioned her at length as she continued to push the Gold Favour as a solution to their problems and her authority on board.   The party had concern over her claim to be the first mate after having met Gronco. She explained Gronco couldn't be the first mate since he didn't like men. The party discovered she was believed her right to the title of first mate was attributed to her right of first refusal to mate with the captain but she also thought she got to give orders, and run the ship in the captains stead. Eventually after much coaxing, pestering, and honestly refusal to take a hint she convinced/forced the party to visit the ship that evening. When they arrived the party saw a red skinned, solid blue eye, tiefling standing with a goblin girl and Gronco. After a quick introduction, Artholamew Wandslinger offered to head out to Ironhead the next morning and left Gronco to work out the details. Rhy found a place to finish reading.   Date: 23rd of Gorim
Report Date
02 Dec 2020


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