The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Eighteen Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia: Session Eighteen

General Summary

The party left the The Cats Cradle and went to meet Illia Ellia, who upon learning they had won the tournament and noticed they had some religious iconography, “hired” the party to investigate the ruins in the mine that caused the closure. She offered 50 gp a day each, and 500 gp each on return with some sort of proof the mines can be re-opened, or an explanation of the unread and elemental that were supposedly sighted. After which the party went to meet Stay at the The Betting Poole and make the trade for the cards.   Stay told Lee that about a year after he and Rhy left, she robbed her parents store, stealing expensive dresses and plenty of gold. Ranrus identified the two cards but each returned result of just one word, "Rise" for the card with the raging storm and tentacles, and "Moon" for the card with a moon over a pond. Identifying them together caused "Moon … … … … Rise". Rhy theorized that the complete deck resulted in a story or explanation. Stay and Rhy agreed to each hold onto a card and communicate if they found out anything more about the cards. Stay also informed the party tshe knew where two other card were, on in Krata(organization:78a14390-b29b-46e0-935a-23212f8fee29), a throne growing out of a tree, and one in @[Ironhead, an eye above a creature with wings.   The party made their way the following morning to the mine in question, where they discovered it strangely green and vibrant. Inside the mine the party was attack by a group of giant ant like creatures.   Date: 5th and 6th of Gorim

Character(s) interacted with

Illia Ellia, Stay,
Report Date
11 Jun 2020


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