The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-two Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-two

General Summary

The party assessed the puzzling table at the center of the room deciding to press the red diamond. This led them to a room with a checkered floor, where each tile seemed trapped. After managing to cross they found themselves back in the room with the table. Afraid of further pitfalls the party followed their gut and touched the black diamond, which led to a small room and then a larger room both of which were covered in a fine white dust like material. They searched the area discovering a room with a massive arcane focus like crystal, and a small library, where Rhy found a first edition copy of Bolo's Journals & Journeys V:II.    The party eventually took a teleportation circle in the large room and found themselves in the Matriarchs Hall. At the end of which was a small throne room and the ghost of the Matriarch. After a short fight, one of which the Matriarch seemed repeatedly perplexed, Lee stabbed her, ending the Matriarchs unlife. The party searched her bedroom finding a work desk with all it contents burnt, and a bathroom held magically inside a wardrobe, and baffle with art of three dragons on it panels. The party collected the Matriarchs basement key and while still perplexed at the ease at which they defeated the Matriarch they now had to find a way off the floor.   Date: 10th and 11th of Gorim

Rewards Granted

THe Matriarchs Basement Key, 1st edition copy of  Bolo's Journals & Journeys Volume II, an orb of shadowless light.
Report Date
19 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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