The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-one Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-one

General Summary

The party were quickly set upon by the awakened iron golem. The golem succeeded in taking down Ranrus, but he was luckily revived by Rhy before he expired. Lee also took a beating, but luckily Ranrus banished the iron golem long enough for the party to eliminate the last of the fiery creatures and prepare an ambush on the unbanished foe. The party successfully defeated it.   The party, finally safe, took a short rest before ascending to the 4th floor where they were quickly set upon by some sort of warforged. Rhy charmed it and asked it to lead them to the Matriarch it led them down a hall full of portraits of old male dwarves. Rhy used her ghostly ghaze to investigate and found a chamber full of machinery a long narrow ahals with a glowing sigil, and ornate hall with glowing sigil and velvet curtains full of portraits of old female dwarves, and another narrow hall with glowing sigil. last she saw a dark empty room at the edge of her vision.   The party found a set of armor in the hall that after investigating and determining it was magical and not trapped, Ranrus attempts to dismantle it for transport. The armor came to life ensnaring Ranrus and pulling off his armor and weapons and locking itself onto him. While the armor is very powerful it does seem quite the task to remove it.   the next room the warforged opened was the observatory seen from outside of the mansion. Rhy looked through the telescope to find it centered on the highest peak in the mountain rang to the east of Snow bright. There appears to the be a strange line spiraling around the peak where there is no snow.   Proceeding to a short hall they were attacked by another warforged. After freezing it solid, their allied warforge opened the door and let them into a room with a glowing sigil on the floor. Walking onto the sigil the party found themselves in a room with gold walls. In the middle of the room is a table with eight symbols running around the edge. A red club, spade, heart, and diamond, each positioned opposite of their black counterpart. The room itself is bright but yet there are no torches or braizers.   Date: 10th of Gorim
Report Date
13 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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