The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-four Report in Ithica | World Anvil

The Chronicles of the Itharia, The Murder Mansion: Session Thirty-four

General Summary

Theren and Rhy returned the checkered room and began investigating. Pulling up some tiles, the two discovered another tarot card. They returned to the directory and the party made their way out and into the dusty room, where Lee realized the dust was silver sea sand, used to make very fancy furniture by the Drow in the Underdark. Theren, casting detect magic, noticed a second teleporter behind a wall and worked out a means to opening the false stain glass wall panels. Inside the party found an old chest made out to look like a mimic. It was empty, but there was a gap in the dust that implied something a little bigger than one of the tarot card had been sitting here once. The teleporter led to an observation hall with secret views into the Matriarch and Patriarch halls.   The party, appearing in front of the matriarch thrown, was confusing and strange. But in this moment Rhy seemed to come to understand the teleporters and felt some means to direct them. She activated the teleporter and targeted the first teleporter room.   The party discovered the warforged experiment motionless and without any sign of life or magic. After a brief investigation of a room best described as containing giant arcane batteries, the party started to head back down only to discover the winged ape alive and speaking in abyssal. It asked to be killed and after a brief, honest, and empathetic exchange, Lee freed the creature from it chains and Theren ended its life.   The party checked in with Lestria, Danny,and Almir, informing lestria of her mothers demise, and that her Sister Ricken still lived. Theren collected the dragon remains, and they and Lee collected the rocks from the trap chests in the iron golem room.   The party settled in for a long rest before tackling the basement. Rhy began reading Bolo's Journals and Journey's V:II searching for reference to Mutta, Lee read more of his book, and Ranrus identified the variety of remaining magical objects in the parties possession. Theren after being very chaotic, planted the seed from Rasephar's Island in one of the magical vases from the first floor. The seed, a Maranath Flower Seed, did sprout shortly after planting. The party descended through the house, Almir in tow and entered the basement.   They found a small coat room with two exits, one curtained and one open. After Lee noticed something strange about the rug Rhy tested it with her quarterstaff and quickly observed the rug attempt to grapple it. The furniture attacked and while Lee had seen worse, he was surprisingly rough after the fight with slow wooden furniture and an old rug. The party plan to take a short rest.   Date: 11th and 12th of Gorim

Rewards Granted

vicious dagger, goggles of night, tarot card(Gamble)   Identified: Maranath Flower Seed, Tarot Card(Laughter), The Ring of Truest Desire, Figurine of Wonderous Power Bronze Griffin(cursed)

Missions/Quests Completed

Let the demon rest in peace

Character(s) interacted with

Lestria, Danny, Almir
Report Date
28 Jul 2020
Primary Location


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