Erma the Green Character in Ithica | World Anvil

Erma the Green

Erma is the descendant of orcs from Valnar who cam through one of the early dragon gates on Nowch. Having been taught by her mother that the "gods" walked among the people on her plane, Erma found no faith on Nowch until she met Ambrose , who she views as a god. Ellish the Blue gave her the Green Elementia Ranger Armor to help in the collective quest of freeing Ambrose and him allowing her to summon the Green Snake construct. She, more then any of the other Elementia Rangers on Nowch, revered Ambrose religiously and when she realized he would leave Nowch upon breaking the planar binding she became accutely aware of her conflicting desire to help Lord Ambrose and Keep him to herself. this relusted in her  hiding the information she discover about the connection between the Snowbreakers and The Monks of Ile .


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