Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 58 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 58

General Summary

Strahd’s party broke into violence as several guest seem to have been kill with the blood ripped from their bodies and coming back as back as undead. The blood had become animated masses that started to attack the survivors. The animated armor continued to try to restrain Lord Varse.
  Theren tried to cast a spell but the spell failed and nothing happened. Theren decided to realease one of powers given to them by Mutta's Left Wedding Ring for the first time, striking fear into all the undead and one of the women. Through out the house, screams of terror and pain rang out, as others out of sight seem to have been affected by the red pulse. Ysir and Rhy soon joined the others in the ballroom and everyone did their best to fight off the undead and the blood monsters. Felicity created a wall of force protect her, Piper (the goblin musicain), and Angus in the corner of the room. Stoina ( the woman from Robert's Manor) and Illia Ellia attempted to run, Stoina successfully made it away from the creatures pursuing her, but Illia Ellia fell to the ground.
  The fight continued and Theren attempted to escape the range of the creatures slowly surrounding them by taking flight. In the air they once again tried to cast a spell on the armor, only to have the spell disappear as it neared the target. Everyone continued to try to figure out what was going on without losing focus on the enemies in front of them. Ranrus amidst the battle healed several of the injured and dying guests. Amongst them was Illia Ellia who upon returning to conciousness continued her escape.
  As the fight continued, Ysir fell unconsious, overwhelemd by his wounds and vulnerability do to his lack of armour. An invisible Lee slipped a potion into Ysir's unconscious hand, as he was confident both the blood creatures and undead were only attacking those who were upright and moving. Ranrus healed Ysir and more guests while the sounds of violenc continued in the hall.
  Illia Ellia called out, “They're over there, there's more over there." Soon after Alison Wilson, without a care in the world, came skipping around the corner into the ballroom and fired off a spell and joining the fight. Lord Varse finally manage to destroy the armor that had been trying to restrain him and the anit magic field the Realm Walkers had begun to deduce was coming from the armor disappeared. The spellcaster of the two women attempted to control one of the Realm Walkers only to have her spell quickly countered by Theren. Anthony also soon joined the fight, cleaving through undead. Theren threw their shadow blade at the spellcaster aided by Ysir's divining eyes. The spellcaster began to collapse and the blood monsters evaporated. But before the womans body hit the ground, she turned to mist.
  Lord Varse attempted to hurt the mist though unsurpsingly had no affect. The tides quickly turned and the swordswoman called out “ Milady, he- his allies, they are to much.”
  The room filled with blackfog, forcing everyone to stop for just a moment as they were temproraily blinded, before the fog dispersed almost as fast as it appeared. The mist and the swordwoman were gone and in their place was an illusory image of a woman sitting in a throne holding dagger in one hand and what appeared to be a few cards from Yua's Deck of Many Things in the other.
  Date: Late evening of the 4th of Kirit, 1437 DC
Report Date
21 Feb 2023


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