Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 42 Report in Ithica | World Anvil

Chronicles of the Realm Walkers: Session 42

General Summary

The party left the library and started to into the city to shop. Theren bought three tuning forks and attuned one to Ithica, and one to Barovia. Ranrus bought supplies for spell casting. Rhy and Lee went clothe shopping.   The twins found a square property with 4 or posts at its corners with curtains strung between them framing the shop. Rhy commissioned an androgynous Drow tailor to make the same outfit as Chalaina had been wearing, as well as several traditional Moonfolk outfits of different class. The clothes were expected to be completed in about a week. Lee also purchased several reems of material.   Ranrus sold the tailor the spool of Sithala silk. The Drow introduced themselves as Beliarch and temporarily closed her shop by dropping the curtains to begin work.   The party took a break in a nearby park to Identify their recent collection of items and determine the use a of a collection of scrolls. Theren trying to determine who might have been able to use the scrolls prodded Lee as to the source of his magic. this lead to a discussion of Rhy relation to Spearadear and Chalaina, Lee's new found magic, and the nature of Theren's magic as well and their current existence as a Dragon. Eventually the scrolls were not found to have any specific use amongst the party. Lastly they read the various texts they had in their possessions from before arriving in Kemmera. Ranrus learnt "The Clock Maker" contained usable information on creating an automaton.   Lee read Oup'tat's research journal, and learnt that Oup'tat was incapable of seeing that torture would never provide actionable or truthful information. he also could identify when Silence arrived in the mansion and the depravity of her torture sky rocketed. lastly he learnt she was looking into some blades made by Destanna Argwin, the Three Truths, "Pain, Death, and Loss", which was of particular not to lee as three weapons wields by guardians of Krata are referred to as the the three truths. She also was in search of pieces of a blade similar to if not the same as Lee's, she had one piece and was looking for the remaining four. This was of particular note do to not having found Oup'tat's piece in the two years of owning the House of the Realm.   Finishing their reading the party moved on. Lee realizing Theren's fragility decided to start looking for text similar to the tome of the jester that could help make them heartier. The twins stopped into a dark and gloomy book shop and after some searching found something they believed fit the bill.   The shop keeper ,a shadowy undead like figure, drove a hard bargain. Lee tried to sell the Tome of the jester to them. The shop keep suggested a trade but Lee needed additional gold which the shop keep eventual agreed to though he mentioned concern of making "her" mad, her being Yua. As Lee touched the bag of platinum of all sorts of mints an unknown laughter erupted behind them.     Date: 17th of Sithala, 1437 DC

Rewards Granted

Identified Mind Blade x2 dagger Mind blade x 1 shortsword potion of fire restiance potion of cold resitance
Report Date
01 Feb 2022
Primary Location


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