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Itherün A Setting for Dungeons and Dragons

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The giants and the dragons hide in the lairs and their halls. The elves have fallen from grace and the dwarves have withdrawn to their mountains. The great human empires fell 1,500 years ago and they left naught but ruin in their collapse. But new kingdoms have risen, and adventure awaits...   Welcome to Itherün, a world full of lost secrets and fallen empires, terrifying monsters and monsterous villains, amazing heroes and glorious tales. Here you will make tales of heroism as you plunge into the depths of old tombs of ancient empires, push back against evil tyrants, fight monsters in their lairs, tangle in the webs of intrigue, and forge a path for yourself and burn your name into the history books.   This is a setting written for Dungeons and Dragons 5th addition and is inspired from the lore of other traditional settings with some changes to the standard lore presented in the Players Handbook. If you're going to be playing here then read as much as you want to know and always free to ask questions. As always if in doubt, ask your DM.   Now go, tell a story, make memories, and have fun.