Palena Settlement in Itha | World Anvil
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  • 92% human,
  • 8% halfling.

Industry & Trade

Local industry produces wine, and other towns in Estanda send some of their spices through here for export. Some exports head overland eastwards into the Sešinián Republic, and further on to Acrend. Some other goods are shipped north to Taudarin, either overland through Sešiniá or more commonly by ship (to avoid Sešinián Republic trade tariffs).   Exports:
  • Wine,
  • spices.
  • Grains,
  • flour,
  • vegetables,
  • iron+steel tools.


  • Minor port,
  • wells,
  • urban gathering spaces,
  • stables,
  • warehouses.


One-to-two storey buildings dominate, faced with white plaster to reflect the heat of the daytime sun. The roofs are nearly flat, often a single surface slanting down by a few degrees from back to front. Some of the buildings in affluent areas have copper-green clad roofs with elegant curled tiles, sometimes imitated by green paints. Most buildings have dark brown tiled roofs.   Suburbs of houses are on short cul-de-sacs, at the end formed into a circle, most such streets centering on a communal well covered by a copper-clad conical roof.   The road structure is very organic, following the contours of the hillsides it is built upon.


Based in a shallow-bowl of a valley. Largely north-facing slopes provide a little shelter from the sun, especially with one building shading another.

Natural Resources

Adequate fresh water to support the city and chalky soils.
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization

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